Re: [Nautilus-list] Icon factory caching

On Pá, 2001-10-05 at 22:01, Alex Larsson wrote:
> The icon factory currently only caches unused icons for 10 seconds. I 
> think this is about the right time since we want to conserve memory, but 
> the problem is that each time you drop the icon from the cache, re-reading 
> it needs to stat a whole lot of files looking for the actual icon file.

Could there be some special case for some of the icons to always be
cached? i-directory, i-regular and trash-empty-accept comes to mind.
Even on fast computer it takes about a second to render the svg icon.
For example having to wait a second to be able to drop files onto the
trash (since nautilus is waiting for the trash-empty-accept to render)
feels very slow.  

Another thing I was suggesting before is not keeping the rendered images
(user-speak here, I'm no hacker) in memory but on the disk cache
somewhere. That way nautilus is not being bloated keeping all that stuff
in memory, but behaves as speedy as with bitmap icons (just rendering a
bitmap from disk cache). I've no clue if that's doable, but might be a
good speed/memory consumption compromise.

-[ jimmac ximian com ]-[ ]-

"even a stopped clock gives a right time twice a day"

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