Re: [Nautilus-list] Medusa

Darin Adler wrote:

> on 3/30/01 11:37 AM, Ben Ford at ben kalifornia com wrote:
> > What makes medusa better than slocate?  Updatedb doesn't kill my box the
> > way medusa does.
> Updatedb makes a list of file names. Medusa's indexing daemon indexes all
> directory information, including things like modification dates as well as
> file names, and also strings found inside text files.
> > Is there a way to configure medusa to only index when I want it to?
> >

Medusa currently creates an index each night as a cron job.  Cron allows you to
let jobs run daily, weekly, or monthly,
by moving the cron job in /etc/cron.daily to the appropriate directory.  If you
only want medusa to create an index when you
specifically ask, you can turn medusa off, and use the request index feature in
nautilus, or run "medusa-indexd" by hand when you want to create a new index.

> > $ man medusa
> > No manual entry for medusa
> I decided to research the answer to this (although I didn't happen to know
> it already). There's a way to do it in the Nautilus user interface, and also
> on the command line, it seems. I found this in the medusa README:
>     medusa-enable-indexing --on
>     medusa-enable-indexing --off
> It would be good to write a bugzilla bug report about the lack of man pages,
> or if you're really generous maybe even contribute a man page yourself. I
> think that's definitely something that should be added.

There is already a bug report about a lack of a man page for medusa itself
( )
and I've spent some time on the man page for medusa.  There are currently man
pages for specific medusa programs (medusa-indexd, medusa-searchd, etc)   While
I don't know if I will be able to finish the man page for the medusa package in
time for our next release, it will definitely be a part of medusa in the near


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