Re: [Nautilus-list] Cute bug.

Darin Adler wrote:

On Tuesday, July 17, 2001, at 03:34  PM, Jonathan Blandford wrote:

ln -s /tmp/foo /tmp/foo

(go to /tmp in nautilus)

Watch nautilus run out of memory and die.  Should I file this bug in

Sure. And you should also fix it. Simplest fix is just a hard-coded limit (50 levels or something like that).

Only problem is that /someday/ somebody will have a legitimate reason for 50 levels of symlinks. I know, it sounds silly, but so did > 640k of memory at one time not that long ago . . . .

I think a better solution would be an intelligent algorithm to detect recursive links.

My shell (bash) simply displays a broken link.  How do they do it?


:    __o
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:   0/ 0

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