[Nautilus-list] Problem whith some strings

Hi everyone:

	My name is Pablo and I working in the Nautilusīs spanish

	I have a couple of troubles with some strings that are translated in
the es.po but Nautilus insist in display them in english, I write this mail
for someone that can help me whith this:

Some of the strings are:

* Customer (I donīt have this string in the es.po file after run ./update.sh
es), itīs in the Help menu.
* All the Strings of the MP3 player are translated in the es.po but
displayed in english when use it in Nautilus.
* The users levels (beginner...) that are displayed in the Assistant when
first Launch Nautilus.
* two or three strings in the RPM view (Iīdont remember exactly what they
are right now).

If someone can help whith this write me at pablodc bigfoot as fast as you

Thanks and please forgive my bad english.

    .-.     Pablo Gonzalo del Campo
 .-.   .-.     MAPFRE Aconcagua
(___\ /___)       Sistemas
     |          Programador

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