Re: [Nautilus-list] PR3 trouble in Debian (woody): can't build debs for package nautilus


You need ammonite and libammonite-dev package for build nautilus,

>>>>> In article <E14QCvW-0001Qf-00 sonic chello at>
>>>>> "MV" == mario vukelic chello at (Mario Vukelic) wrote...

MV> Hi,

MV> I run woody. Therefore I grabbed the source debs from unstable and
MV> compiled/installed  them in the order the nautilus page gives for
MV> tarballs. Everything worked until I was ready to build the debs for
MV> nautilus proper, i.e., when I issue the command "debian/rules build" in
MV> the nautilus-0.8 directory it compiles, but "debian/rules binary" exits
MV> with the following error messages:

MV> (...)
MV> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/mario/download/nautilus/nautilus-0.8'
MV> dh_movefiles
MV> dh_movefiles: debian/tmp/usr/bin/eazel-install not found
MV> find: usr/bin/eazel-install: No such file or directory
MV> dh_movefiles: debian/tmp/usr/bin/eazel-gen-xml not found
MV> find: usr/bin/eazel-gen-xml: No such file or directory
MV> dh_movefiles: debian/tmp/usr/bin/nautilus-service-install-view not found
MV> find: usr/bin/nautilus-service-install-view: No such file or directory
MV> dh_movefiles: debian/tmp/usr/bin/nautilus-rpm-view not found
MV> find: usr/bin/nautilus-rpm-view: No such file or directory
MV> dh_movefiles: debian/tmp/usr/share/oaf/Nautilus_View_install.oaf not
MV> found
MV> find: usr/share/oaf/Nautilus_View_install.oaf: No such file or directory
MV> dh_movefiles: debian/tmp/usr/share/oaf/Nautilus_View_rpm.oaf not found
MV> find: usr/share/oaf/Nautilus_View_rpm.oaf: No such file or directory
MV> dh_movefiles:
MV> debian/tmp/usr/share/pixmaps/trilobite-eazel-install-service.png not
MV> found
MV> find: usr/share/pixmaps/trilobite-eazel-install-service.png: No such
MV> file or directory
MV> make: *** [install] Error 

MV> Any ideas? Thanks

MV> -- 

MV> I did not vote for the Austrian government

MV> _______________________________________________
MV> Nautilus-list mailing list
MV> Nautilus-list lists eazel com

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