Re: [Nautilus-list] Problems with linking .nautilus/desktop to $HOME

These problems do not occur when the desktop directory is "changed" by
changing the return value of get_desktop_directory in
nautilus-file-utilities. Unfortunately that requires a source change
(which I make and unmake before every checkin).


Alfonso Landin Piņeiro wrote:
>   I've been playing for a couple of days with this configuration. I
> should say i like it. If the problems i found are solved i would use it
> on may daily work. Here is the list:
>  · Folder layout != Desktop Layout: when $HOME is displayed in a window
> i would like it to be ordered automaticaly by name, but when displayed
> on the desktop at want to order it manually. The problem is that when
> nautilus is started desktop is ordered by name. I can reposition the
> icons, and it works for all the session. But if i close the session and
> open it again, i have the desktop again reordered by name. There should
> be a diference between folder layout and desktop layout.
>  · Not hidden files and folders created by progams. I want to be able to
> mark this folder to be hidden, but not dotted. Examples can be Nautilus
> or evolution folders and the file plugin130_*.trace created by the java
> plugin for mozilla.
> I think that -at least- in expert mode people should have the ability to
> choose his/her desktop directory, and to make it posible this problem
> should not appear. For people that think this is useless, i would say
> that they should test (by the linking workaround) before talking. If
> after testing they don't like it, at least they should think that there
> are people that like it. I'm not asking for it to be the default, but
> only to be posible to be done.
>   Alfonso
> P.S.: I'm not saying that people that talked here against this feature
> hadn't tested it.
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