Re: [Nautilus-list] building nautilus on linuxppc 2000

jack ryan <pmacvits workspot net> writes:

> Bcc: 
> (I'm sorry about posting twice but I forgot to include the subject)
> Hello, I am unable to build nautilus module for linuxppc 2000. 
>       I am able to build each of the required source modules from 
>       I followed the instructions exactly. For the nautilus module, the 
>       /configure --prefix=/usr/local 
>       went okay, with no errors. After I typed 'make' everything appeared to be okay, but it kakked out during the rpmbuild component. 


What version of rpm do you have installed? (rpm --version should
tell). The Nautilus RPM view is pretty picky about what versions of
RPM it gets along with (though I am not sure which work offhand).

 - Maciej

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