Re: [Nautilus-list] Bugs(?) with nautilus-200010122100

The best way to report these problems is to use our bug tracking system:

It would be useful if you filed bugs for each specific issue below.  You
can also file bugs for the features you have patches for and someone
will look at them.


Rocco Pinneri wrote:
> I've found a few glitches (bugs perhaps) while using nautilus as compiled
> from source tarballs (200010122100).
> 1. bonobo-text is very slow at loading text files (3 mins with a 1Mb file)
> 2. starting with --start-desktop, I get a desktop that captures focus
>    whenever the mouse enters it, rendering useless the "enter-only" focus
>    settings of sawfish (other wm call it sloppy-focus). I think that gmc
>    uses a different window for every icon to solve this problem
> 3. with bonobo-text, I can edit a text file, but changes do not get saved
> 4. while using bonobo-text, it is possible to use the zoom entries under
>    the view menu, but the component does not export the Zoomable
>    interface
> 5. if I try to use the search toolbar, when the window is narrower than
>    some (large) amount, the search interface does not get displayed, with
>    an arrow displayed in its place; clicking on the arrow leads to a crash
> 6. it takes 2 mins to open a new window (PII 233, 64Mb)
> 7. starting with --start-desktop, I've got once an icon leading to my
>    (mounted) cdrom, but the icon does not appear consistently (that is,
>    respawning nautilus made the icon disappear)
> 8. gradients do not get dithered
> 9. drag and drop does not give any visual clue on the number of icons
>    being dragged (only the icon of the first selected file gets dragged)
> Is this an acceptable way to report bugs? Is there any better mean?
> While trying to understand how to write a NautilusView component, I've
> written a simple text viewer. It is much faster than bonobo-text, and
> supports the Zoomable interface and drag'n'drop of colors and backgrounds.
> Is it worthwhile for me to post it? If so, where?
> I'm writing a font viewer too, and I need help; I'd like to show a single
> letter rendered with the font in the icon of the font itself, much like
> the text preview inside text file icons. How do I do it? Browsing the
> source, I've not found a general way (an interface or something) to do it.
> Many thanks, Rocco Pinneri <rocco pinneri tesoro it>
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