Re: [Nautilus-list] Re: GMC icons/text and future nautilus

Dear Nathan !

            I'm not a programmer I do not exactly know how to tell you
how you have to define inverse. This was just an idea because
every color has its inverse color. I do not know how to program
this but I think it is possible if the selected color is black and
it has an specific number there is also an inverse color which
has another number I don't know exactly how this could be done
but it will be very interesting I think.

Bye Sasa

----- Original Message -----
From: Nathan Hurst <njh hawthorn csse monash edu au>
To: Sasa Ostrouska <rcostro iol it>
Cc: <gnome-devel-list gnome org>; Nautilus <nautilus-list lists eazel com>
Sent: mercoledì 21 giugno 2000 2.28
Subject: Re: [Nautilus-list] Re: GMC icons/text and future nautilus

> On Tue, 20 Jun 2000, Sasa Ostrouska wrote:
> > Hello !
> >
> > I think that background on the icons is ugly. But I have an idea.
> > Why don't you set the icons text being automaticaly set to the inverse
> > of the background selected ?
> > If this is possible.
> The problem is, how do you define inverse?  A couple of simple rules might
> be:
> r <- 1 - r
> g <- 1 - g
> b <- 1 - b
> or
> h <- h + 120
> s <- 1 - s
> but not matter what [smooth] rule you pick, there is a colour which is
> unchanged by the rule.  There will also be a set of colours which are
> nearly unchanged by the rule.  These come from the fixed point
> theorem(brouwer).  You could make a non-smooth function, but it would
> probably look ugly.  To see this, think about what you would do on a
> gradient from white to black, then try your rule out on a gradient from
> white to black via some primary colour.
> njh

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