Re: [Nautilus-list] Building 0.1 snapshot on machines without RPM 3.0.3

On Thu, 17 Aug 2000, david wrote:

> I don't see why this would be a problem anyways, as I remember slack
> 7.0 came with rpm as part of the install. It just wasn't used very
> often. In fact, I havne't double checked, but I think debian even
> comes with rpm, for use with alien.  I mean, yes, it's a good idea to
> put that check in there, but having covered the 3 main bases
> (redhat-based distros, debian-based distros, and slack) it isn't a top
> priority.

RPM is optional on Slackware systems, and most slackware users I know
won't install it because it is fairly useless without its package
database.  So the only systems you can expect to always find RPM on are
Red Hat and RH-based systems.

It seems logical to me that if you are going to check for zlib (available
practically everywhere), you might as well go ahead and check for librpm.  
In fact it seems rash to use any shared library without first checking for
its existence.

Jeffrey Baker

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