Re: [Muine] 'Add music' dialog proposal

On 9/1/05, Peter Oliver <p d oliver mavit freeserve co uk> wrote:
> On the subject of the Add Song window, I noticed that there's no way to
> tell two different versions of a song appart without playing them.  One
> solution to this would be to mention the album that the song is taken from
> (where one exists).  As a bonus, it then becomes possible to search for a
> particular album and add tracks from it.

Wouldn't it be better to display it next to the artist name instead?
People often have track names like "blahblah (live).ext"

But I think Justin's design is more flexible

I always perform the task manually when I have different versions of a
file, to ensure I can find the song I want in any music player.

< eWoud - ewoud dot nuyts at gmail dot com >

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