[Muine] using MusicBrainz to get ASIN--> album art (Was: Gconf Key for amazon dev tag)

Hi all,
What do you guys think of using MusicBrainz to fetch the asin of an
album and then get the album art that way?  This doesn't require the
user to sign up for an amazon dev key.  I've written a small patch that
will do it, and so far it works pretty well, although I can't guarantee
that it will fetch the right one hundred percent of the time.  It's
actually rather simple since it just selects the first album returned
from mb, but i suppose that can be fine tuned.   This patch also changes
Mono.Posix to Mono.Unix on several files since it seems to be deprecated. 


P.S. i've also included MusicBrainz.cs, which are the c# bindings,
you'll need put it in src/.

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------

   Copyright (C) 2004 Sean Cier
   Copyright (C) 2000 Robert Kaye

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

namespace musicbrainz {

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;

public class MusicBrainz {
  public struct BitprintInfo_Native {
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=255)]
    public byte[]     filename;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=89)]
    public byte[]     bitprint;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=41)]
    public byte[]     first20;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst=41)]
    public byte[]     audioSha1;
    public uint       length;
    public uint       duration;
    public uint       samplerate;
    public uint       bitrate;
    public byte       stereo;
    public byte       vbr;

  private interface WindowsNetworkControlInterface {
    void Init(IntPtr musicBrainzObject);
    void Stop(IntPtr musicBrainzObject);
  private class WindowsNetworkControl : WindowsNetworkControlInterface {
    private static extern int mb_WSAInit(IntPtr o);
    public void Init(IntPtr musicBrainzObject) {
    private static extern int mb_WSAStop(IntPtr o);
    public void Stop(IntPtr musicBrainzObject) {
  private IntPtr musicBrainzObject;

  private static readonly Encoding UTF8_ENCODING  = new UTF8Encoding();
  private static int MAX_STRING_LEN = 8192;

  public static readonly int CDINDEX_ID_LEN = 28;
  public static readonly int ID_LEN = 36;

  private static extern IntPtr mb_New();
  private static extern void mb_Delete(IntPtr o);
  private static extern void mb_UseUTF8(IntPtr o, int value);

  public MusicBrainz() {
    musicBrainzObject = mb_New();
    mb_UseUTF8(musicBrainzObject, 1);

  ~MusicBrainz() {

  private static bool IsWindows() {
    PlatformID platform = System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
    PlatformID winPlatformMask =
      PlatformID.Win32S | PlatformID.Win32Windows | PlatformID.Win32NT;
    return (int)(platform & winPlatformMask) != 0;

  private static byte[] ToUTF8(String s) {
    if (s == null) {
      return null;
    int len = UTF8_ENCODING.GetByteCount(s);
    byte[] result = new byte[len+1];
    UTF8_ENCODING.GetBytes(s, 0, s.Length, result, 0);
    result[len] = 0;
    return result;

  private static String FromUTF8(byte[] bytes) {
    if (bytes == null) {
      return null;
    int len = 0;
    while ((len < bytes.Length) && (bytes[len] != 0)) {
    return UTF8_ENCODING.GetString(bytes, 0, len);

  private static IntPtr ToUTF8Native(String s) {
    if (s == null) {
      return (IntPtr)0;
    byte[] bytes = UTF8_ENCODING.GetBytes(s);
    IntPtr nativeBytes = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bytes.Length + 1);
    Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, nativeBytes, bytes.Length);
    Marshal.WriteByte(nativeBytes, bytes.Length, (byte)0);
    return nativeBytes;
  private static void FreeUTF8Native(IntPtr nativeBytes) {
    if (nativeBytes == (IntPtr)0) {
  private static String FromUTF8Native(IntPtr nativeBytes, int maxLen) {
    if (nativeBytes == (IntPtr)0) {
      return null;
    byte[] bytes = new byte[maxLen];
    Marshal.Copy(nativeBytes, bytes, 0, maxLen);
    return FromUTF8(bytes);

  private void BeginSession() {
    if (IsWindows()) {
      Type t = Type.GetType("musicbrainz.MusicBrainz+WindowsNetworkControl");
      Object o = t.GetConstructor(new Type[0]).Invoke(new Object[0]);
  private void EndSession() {
    if (IsWindows()) {
      Type t = Type.GetType("musicbrainz.MusicBrainz+WindowsNetworkControl");
      Object o = t.GetConstructor(new Type[0]).Invoke(new Object[0]);
  private static extern void mb_GetVersion(IntPtr o,
                                           out int major,
                                           out int minor,
                                           out int rev);
  public void GetVersion(out int major, out int minor, out int rev) {
                  out major, out minor, out rev);

  private static extern int mb_SetServer(IntPtr o,
                                         byte[] serverAddr,
                                         short serverPort);
  public bool SetServer(String serverAddr, short serverPort) {
    int result =
      mb_SetServer(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(serverAddr), serverPort);

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_SetProxy(IntPtr o,
                                        byte[] serverAddr,
                                        short serverPort);
  public bool SetProxy(String serverAddr, short serverPort) {
    int result = mb_SetProxy(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(serverAddr), serverPort);

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_Authenticate(IntPtr o,
                                            byte[] userName,
                                            byte[] password);
  public bool Authenticate(String userName, String password) {
    int result =
      mb_Authenticate(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(userName), ToUTF8(password));

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_SetDevice(IntPtr o,
                                         byte[] device);
  public bool SetDevice(String device) {
    int result = mb_SetDevice(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(device));

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern void mb_SetDepth(IntPtr o, int depth);
  public void SetDepth(int depth) {
    mb_SetDepth(musicBrainzObject, depth);

  private static extern void mb_SetMaxItems(IntPtr o, int maxItems);
  public void SetMaxItems(int maxItems) {
    mb_SetMaxItems(musicBrainzObject, maxItems);

  private static extern int mb_Query(IntPtr o,
                                     byte[] rdfObject);
  public bool Query(String rdfObject) {
    int result = mb_Query(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(rdfObject));

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_QueryWithArgs(IntPtr o,
                                             byte[] rdfObject,
                                             IntPtr[] args);
  public bool Query(String rdfObject, String[] args) {
    IList argsList = new ArrayList();
    foreach (String s in args) {
    return Query(rdfObject, argsList);
  public bool Query(String rdfObject, IList args) {
    if (args == null) {
      return Query(rdfObject);

    IntPtr[] argsNative = new IntPtr[args.Count+1];
    for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) {
      argsNative[i] = ToUTF8Native((String)args[i]);
    argsNative[args.Count] = (IntPtr)0;

    int result =
      mb_QueryWithArgs(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(rdfObject), argsNative);

    for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) {

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_GetQueryError(IntPtr o,
                                             byte[] error,
                                             int errorLen);
  public bool GetQueryError(out String error) {
    byte[] errorNative = new byte[MAX_STRING_LEN];

    int result =
      mb_GetQueryError(musicBrainzObject, errorNative, MAX_STRING_LEN);
    error = (result == 0) ? null : FromUTF8(errorNative);

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_GetWebSubmitURL(IntPtr o,
                                               byte[] url,
                                               int urlLen);
  public bool GetWebSubmitURL(out String url) {
    byte[] urlNative = new byte[MAX_STRING_LEN];

    int result =
      mb_GetWebSubmitURL(musicBrainzObject, urlNative, MAX_STRING_LEN);
    url = (result == 0) ? null : FromUTF8(urlNative);

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_Select1(IntPtr o,
                                       byte[] selectQuery,
                                       int ordinal);
  public bool Select(String selectQuery) {
    return Select(selectQuery, 0);
  public bool Select(String selectQuery, int index) {
    int result = mb_Select1(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(selectQuery), index);

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_SelectWithArgs(IntPtr o,
                                              byte[] selectQuery,
                                              int[] ordinals);
  public bool Select(String selectQuery, IList indices) {
    int[] indexArray = new int[indices.Count];
    for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++) {
      indexArray[i] = (int)indices[i];
    return Select(selectQuery, indexArray);
  public bool Select(String selectQuery, int[] indices) {
    int result =
      mb_SelectWithArgs(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(selectQuery), indices);

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_DoesResultExist1(IntPtr o,
                                                byte[] resultName,
                                                int ordinal);
  public bool DoesResultExist(String resultName) {
    return DoesResultExist(resultName, 0);
  public bool DoesResultExist(String resultName, int index) {
    int result =
      mb_DoesResultExist1(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(resultName), index);

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_GetResultData1(IntPtr o,
                                              byte[] resultName,
                                              byte[] data,
                                              int dataLen,
                                              int ordinal);
  public String Data(String resultName) {
    return Data(resultName, 0);
  public String Data(String resultName, int index) {
    String result;
    return GetResultData(resultName, index, out result) ? result : null;
  public bool GetResultData(String resultName, out String data) {
    return GetResultData(resultName, 0, out data);
  public bool GetResultData(String resultName, int index, out String data) {
    byte[] dataNative = new byte[MAX_STRING_LEN];
    int result = mb_GetResultData1(musicBrainzObject,
                                   dataNative, MAX_STRING_LEN,
    data = (result == 0) ? null : FromUTF8(dataNative);

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_GetResultInt1(IntPtr o,
                                             byte[] resultName,
                                             int ordinal);
  public int DataInt(String resultName) {
    return DataInt(resultName, 0);
  public int DataInt(String resultName, int index) {
    return GetResultInt(resultName, index);
  public int GetResultInt(String resultName) {
    return GetResultInt(resultName, 0);
  public int GetResultInt(String resultName, int index) {
    int result = mb_GetResultInt1(musicBrainzObject,

    return result;

  private static extern int mb_GetResultRDF(IntPtr o,
                                            byte[] rdf,
                                            int rdfLen);
  private static extern int mb_GetResultRDFLen(IntPtr o);
  public bool GetResultRDF(out String rdfObject) {
    int len = (int)mb_GetResultRDFLen(musicBrainzObject);

    byte[] rdfObjectNative = new byte[len+1];
    int result = mb_GetResultRDF(musicBrainzObject, rdfObjectNative, len+1);
    rdfObject = (result == 0) ? null : FromUTF8(rdfObjectNative);

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern int mb_SetResultRDF(IntPtr o,
                                            byte[] rdf);
  public bool SetResultRDF(String rdf) {
    int result = mb_SetResultRDF(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(rdf));

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern void mb_GetIDFromURL(IntPtr o,
                                             byte[] url,
                                             byte[] id,
                                             int idLen);
  public void GetIDFromURL(String url, out String id) {
    byte[] idNative = new byte[MAX_STRING_LEN];
    mb_GetIDFromURL(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(url), idNative, MAX_STRING_LEN);
    id = FromUTF8(idNative);

  private static extern void mb_GetFragmentFromURL(IntPtr o,
                                                   byte[] url,
                                                   byte[] fragment,
                                                   int fragmentLen);
  public void GetFragmentFromURL(String url, out String fragment) {
    byte[] fragmentNative = new byte[MAX_STRING_LEN];

                          fragmentNative, MAX_STRING_LEN);
    fragment = FromUTF8(fragmentNative);

  private static extern int mb_GetOrdinalFromList(IntPtr o,
                                                  byte[] resultList,
                                                  byte[] uri);
  public int GetOrdinalFromList(String resultList, String uri) {
    int result =
      mb_GetOrdinalFromList(musicBrainzObject, ToUTF8(resultList), ToUTF8(uri));

    return result;

  private static extern int mb_GetMP3Info(IntPtr o,
                                          byte[] fileName,
                                          out int duration,
                                          out int bitrate,
                                          out int stereo,
                                          out int samplerate);
  public bool GetMP3Info(String fileName,
                         out int duration,
                         out int bitrate,
                         out bool stereo,
                         out int samplerate) {
    int stereoNative;
    int result = mb_GetMP3Info(musicBrainzObject,
                               out duration,
                               out bitrate,
                               out stereoNative,
                               out samplerate);
    stereo = stereoNative != 0;

    return (result != 0);

  private static extern void mb_SetDebug(IntPtr o, int debug);
  public void SetDebug(bool debug) {
    mb_SetDebug(musicBrainzObject, debug ? 1 : 0);

  // ========= Query Constants ==========

  public static readonly String
    MBS_Rewind =
    MBS_Back =
    MBS_SelectArtist =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#artistList []",
    MBS_SelectAlbum =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#albumList []",
    MBS_SelectTrack =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList []",
    MBS_SelectTrackArtist =
    MBS_SelectTrackAlbum =
    MBS_SelectTrmid =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trmidList []",
    MBS_SelectCdindexid =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#cdindexidList []",
    MBS_SelectReleaseDate =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#releaseDateList []",
    MBS_SelectLookupResult =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mq-1.1#lookupResultList []",
    MBS_SelectLookupResultArtist =
    MBS_SelectLookupResultAlbum =
    MBS_SelectLookupResultTrack =
    MBE_GetStatus =
    MBE_GetNumArtists =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#artistList [COUNT]",
    MBE_GetNumAlbums =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#albumList [COUNT]",
    MBE_GetNumTracks =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList [COUNT]",
    MBE_GetNumTrmids =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trmidList [COUNT]",
    MBE_GetNumLookupResults =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#lookupResultList [COUNT]",
    MBE_ArtistGetArtistName =
    MBE_ArtistGetArtistSortName =
    MBE_ArtistGetArtistId =
    MBE_ArtistGetAlbumName =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#albumList [] http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title";,
    MBE_ArtistGetAlbumId =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#albumList []",
    MBE_AlbumGetAlbumName =
    MBE_AlbumGetAlbumId =
    MBE_AlbumGetAlbumStatus =
    MBE_AlbumGetAlbumType =
    MBE_AlbumGetAmazonAsin =
    MBE_AlbumGetAmazonCoverartURL =
    MBE_AlbumGetNumCdindexIds =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#cdindexidList [COUNT]",
    MBE_AlbumGetNumReleaseDates =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#releaseDateList [COUNT]",
    MBE_AlbumGetAlbumArtistId =
    MBE_AlbumGetNumTracks =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList [COUNT]",
    MBE_AlbumGetTrackId =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList [] ",
    MBE_AlbumGetTrackList =
    MBE_AlbumGetTrackNum =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList [?] http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackNum";,
    MBE_AlbumGetTrackName =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList [] http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title";,
    MBE_AlbumGetTrackDuration =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList [] http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#duration";,
    MBE_AlbumGetArtistName =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList [] http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title";,
    MBE_AlbumGetArtistSortName =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList [] http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#sortName";,
    MBE_AlbumGetArtistId =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#trackList [] http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator";,
    MBE_TrackGetTrackName =
    MBE_TrackGetTrackId =
    MBE_TrackGetTrackNum =
    MBE_TrackGetTrackDuration =
    MBE_TrackGetArtistName =
      "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title";,
    MBE_TrackGetArtistSortName =
      "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#sortName";,
    MBE_TrackGetArtistId =
    MBE_QuickGetArtistName =
    MBE_QuickGetArtistSortName =
    MBE_QuickGetArtistId =
    MBE_QuickGetAlbumName =
    MBE_QuickGetTrackName =
    MBE_QuickGetTrackNum =
    MBE_QuickGetTrackId =
    MBE_QuickGetTrackDuration =
    MBE_ReleaseGetDate =
    MBE_ReleaseGetCountry =
    MBE_LookupGetType =
    MBE_LookupGetRelevance =
    MBE_LookupGetArtistId =
    MBE_LookupGetAlbumId =
    MBE_LookupGetAlbumArtistId =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mq-1.1#album " +
    MBE_LookupGetTrackId =
    MBE_LookupGetTrackArtistId =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mq-1.1#track " +
    MBE_TOCGetCDIndexId =
    MBE_TOCGetFirstTrack =
    MBE_TOCGetLastTrack =
    MBE_TOCGetTrackSectorOffset =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#toc [] http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#sectorOffset";,
    MBE_TOCGetTrackNumSectors =
      "http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#toc [] http://musicbrainz.org/mm/mm-2.1#numSectors";,
    MBE_AuthGetSessionId =
    MBE_AuthGetChallenge =
    MBQ_GetCDInfo =
    MBQ_GetCDTOC =
    MBQ_AssociateCD =
    MBQ_Authenticate =
      "<mq:AuthenticateQuery>\n" +
      "   <mq:username>@1@</mq:username>\n" +
    MBQ_GetCDInfoFromCDIndexId =
      "<mq:GetCDInfo>\n" +
      "   <mq:depth>@DEPTH@</mq:depth>\n" +
      "   <mm:cdindexid>@1@</mm:cdindexid>\n" +
    MBQ_TrackInfoFromTRMId =
      "<mq:TrackInfoFromTRMId>\n" +
      "   <mm:trmid>@1@</mm:trmid>\n" +
      "   <mq:artistName>@2@</mq:artistName>\n" +
      "   <mq:albumName>@3@</mq:albumName>\n" +
      "   <mq:trackName>@4@</mq:trackName>\n" +
      "   <mm:trackNum>@5@</mm:trackNum>\n" +
      "   <mm:duration>@6@</mm:duration>\n" +
    MBQ_QuickTrackInfoFromTrackId =
      "<mq:QuickTrackInfoFromTrackId>\n" +
      "   <mm:trackid>@1@</mm:trackid>\n" +
      "   <mm:albumid>@2@</mm:albumid>\n" +
    MBQ_FindArtistByName =
      "<mq:FindArtist>\n" +
      "   <mq:depth>@DEPTH@</mq:depth>\n" +
      "   <mq:artistName>@1@</mq:artistName>\n" +
      "   <mq:maxItems>@MAX_ITEMS@</mq:maxItems>\n" +
    MBQ_FindAlbumByName =
      "<mq:FindAlbum>\n" +
      "   <mq:depth>@DEPTH@</mq:depth>\n" +
      "   <mq:maxItems>@MAX_ITEMS@</mq:maxItems>\n" +
      "   <mq:albumName>@1@</mq:albumName>\n" +
    MBQ_FindTrackByName =
      "<mq:FindTrack>\n" +
      "   <mq:depth>@DEPTH@</mq:depth>\n" +
      "   <mq:maxItems>@MAX_ITEMS@</mq:maxItems>\n" +
      "   <mq:trackName>@1@</mq:trackName>\n" +
    MBQ_FindDistinctTRMId =
      "<mq:FindDistinctTRMID>\n" +
      "   <mq:depth>@DEPTH@</mq:depth>\n" +
      "   <mq:artistName>@1@</mq:artistName>\n" +
      "   <mq:trackName>@2@</mq:trackName>\n" +
    MBQ_GetArtistById =
    MBQ_GetAlbumById =
    MBQ_GetTrackById =
    MBQ_GetTrackByTRMId =
    MBQ_SubmitTrackTRMId =
      "<mq:SubmitTRMList>\n" +
      " <mm:trmidList>\n" +
      "  <rdf:Bag>\n" +
      "   <rdf:li>\n" +
      "    <mq:trmTrackPair>\n" +
      "     <mm:trackid>@1@</mm:trackid>\n" +
      "     <mm:trmid>@2@</mm:trmid>\n" +
      "    </mq:trmTrackPair>\n" +
      "   </rdf:li>\n" +
      "  </rdf:Bag>\n" +
      " </mm:trmidList>\n" +
      " <mq:sessionId>@SESSID@</mq:sessionId>\n" +
      " <mq:sessionKey>@SESSKEY@</mq:sessionKey>\n" +
      " <mq:clientVersion>@CLIENTVER@</mq:clientVersion>\n" +
    MBQ_FileInfoLookup =
      "<mq:FileInfoLookup>\n" +
      "   <mm:trmid>@1@</mm:trmid>\n" +
      "   <mq:artistName>@2@</mq:artistName>\n" +
      "   <mq:albumName>@3@</mq:albumName>\n" +
      "   <mq:trackName>@4@</mq:trackName>\n" +
      "   <mm:trackNum>@5@</mm:trackNum>\n" +
      "   <mm:duration>@6@</mm:duration>\n" +
      "   <mq:fileName>@7@</mq:fileName>\n" +
      "   <mm:artistid>@8@</mm:artistid>\n" +
      "   <mm:albumid>@9@</mm:albumid>\n" +
      "   <mm:trackid>@10@</mm:trackid>\n" +
      "   <mq:maxItems>@MAX_ITEMS@</mq:maxItems>\n" +

diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/About.cs muine-0.8.3/src/About.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/About.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/About.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 using Gtk;
 using Gdk;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Actions.cs muine-0.8.3/src/Actions.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Actions.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/Actions.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 using System.IO;
 using System.Collections;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 using Gtk;
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/AddAlbumWindow.cs muine-0.8.3/src/AddAlbumWindow.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/AddAlbumWindow.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/AddAlbumWindow.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 using Gtk;
 using GLib;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/AddSongWindow.cs muine-0.8.3/src/AddSongWindow.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/AddSongWindow.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/AddSongWindow.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 using Gtk;
 using GLib;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Album.cs muine-0.8.3/src/Album.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Album.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/Album.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 using Gdk;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/CoverGetter.cs muine-0.8.3/src/CoverGetter.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/CoverGetter.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/CoverGetter.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:30.000000000 -0800
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 using System.IO;
 using System.Threading;
 using System.Collections;
+using musicbrainz;
 using Gdk;
 namespace Muine
@@ -277,157 +277,25 @@
 		/// </returns>
 		public Pixbuf DownloadFromAmazon (Album album)
-			Amazon.AmazonSearchService search_service = new Amazon.AmazonSearchService ();
 			string sane_album_title = SanitizeString (album.Name);
+            string asin;
+            string AmazonImageUri = "http://images.amazon.com/images/P/{0}.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg";;
 			// remove "disc 1" and family
 			//	TODO: Make the regex translatable? (e.g. "uno|dos|tres...")
 			sane_album_title =  Regex.Replace (sane_album_title, 
 				@"[,:]?\s*(cd|dis[ck])\s*(\d+|one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eight|nine|ten)\s*$", "");
-			string [] album_title_array = sane_album_title.Split (' ');
-			Array.Sort (album_title_array);
-			// This assumes the right artist is always in Artists [0]
-			string sane_artist = SanitizeString (album.Artists [0]);
-			// Prepare for handling multi-page results
-			int total_pages = 1;
-			int current_page = 1;
-			int max_pages = 2; // check no more than 2 pages
-			// Create Encapsulated Request
-			Amazon.ArtistRequest asearch = new Amazon.ArtistRequest ();
-			asearch.devtag = "INSERT DEV TAG HERE"; // TODO: We really should have a devtag
-			asearch.artist = sane_artist;
-			asearch.keywords = sane_album_title;
-			asearch.type = "heavy";
-			asearch.mode = "music";
-			asearch.tag = "webservices-20";
-			// Use selected Amazon service
-			switch (amazon_locale) {
-			case "uk":
-				search_service.Url = "http://soap-eu.amazon.com/onca/soap3";;
-				asearch.locale = "uk";
-				break;
-			case "de":
-				search_service.Url = "http://soap-eu.amazon.com/onca/soap3";;
-				asearch.locale = "de";
-				break;
-			case "jp":
-				search_service.Url = "http://soap.amazon.com/onca/soap3";;
-				asearch.locale = "jp";
-				break;
-			default:
-				search_service.Url = "http://soap.amazon.com/onca/soap3";;
-				break;
-			}
-			double best_match_percent = 0.0;
-			Pixbuf best_match = null;
-			while (current_page <= total_pages && current_page <= max_pages) {
-			       asearch.page = Convert.ToString (current_page);
-				Amazon.ProductInfo pi;
-				// Amazon API requires this
-				Thread.Sleep (1000);
-				// Web service calls timeout after 30 seconds
-				search_service.Timeout = 30000;
-				if (proxy.Use)
-					search_service.Proxy = proxy.Proxy;
-				// This may throw an exception, we catch it in the calling function
-				pi = search_service.ArtistSearchRequest (asearch);
-				int num_results = pi.Details.Length;
-				total_pages = Convert.ToInt32 (pi.TotalPages);
-				// Work out how many matches are on this page
-				if (num_results < 1)
-					return null;
-				for (int i = 0; i < num_results; i++) {
-					// Ignore bracketed text on the result from Amazon
-					string sane_product_name = SanitizeString (pi.Details[i].ProductName);
-					// Compare the two strings statistically
-					string [] product_name_array = sane_product_name.Split (' ');
-					Array.Sort (product_name_array);
-					int match_count = 0;
-					foreach (string s in album_title_array) {
-						if (Array.BinarySearch (product_name_array, s) < 0)
-							continue;
-						match_count++;
-					}
-					double match_percent;
-					match_percent = match_count / (double) album_title_array.Length;
-					if (match_percent < 0.6)
-						continue;
-					string url = pi.Details [i].ImageUrlMedium;
+            MusicBrainz c = new MusicBrainz();
-					if (url == null || url.Length == 0)
-						continue;
-					double backward_match_percent = 0.0;
-					int backward_match_count = 0;
-					foreach (string s in product_name_array) {
-						if (Array.BinarySearch (album_title_array, s) < 0)
-							continue;
-						backward_match_count++;
-					}
-					backward_match_percent = backward_match_count / (double) product_name_array.Length;
-					double total_match_percent = match_percent + backward_match_percent;
-					if (total_match_percent <= best_match_percent)
-						continue; // look for a better match
-					Pixbuf pix;
-					try {
-						pix = Download (url);
-						if (pix == null && amazon_locale != "us") {
-							// Manipulate the image URL since Amazon sometimes return it wrong :(
-							// http://www.amazon.com/gp/browse.html/103-1953981-2427826?node=3434651#misc-image
-							url = Regex.Replace (url, "[.]0[0-9][.]", ".01.");
-							pix = Download (url);
-						}
-					} catch (WebException e) {
-						throw e;
-					} catch (Exception e) {
-						pix = null;
-					}
-					if (pix != null) {
-						best_match_percent = total_match_percent;
-						best_match = pix;
-						if (best_match_percent == 2.0)
-							return best_match;
-					}
-				}
-				current_page++;
-			}
-			return best_match;
+            string [] album_name = {sane_album_title};
+            c.Query(MusicBrainz.MBQ_FindAlbumByName, album_name);
+            c.Select(MusicBrainz.MBS_SelectAlbum, 1);
+            c.GetResultData(MusicBrainz.MBE_AlbumGetAmazonAsin, out asin);
+            if(asin==null) {
+               return null;
+            } 
+            return Download(String.Format(AmazonImageUri,asin));
 		// Methods :: Public :: Download
@@ -479,7 +347,7 @@
 			return cover;
 		// Methods :: Public :: AddBorder
 		/// <summary>
 		///	Scale the image and add a black 1 pixel border to it.
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/FileUtils.cs muine-0.8.3/src/FileUtils.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/FileUtils.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/FileUtils.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 using Gnome.Vfs;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Global.cs muine-0.8.3/src/Global.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Global.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/Global.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 using DBus;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/ImportDialog.cs muine-0.8.3/src/ImportDialog.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/ImportDialog.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/ImportDialog.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 using System.Collections;
 using System.IO;
 using Gtk;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Makefile.in muine-0.8.3/src/Makefile.in
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Makefile.in	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/Makefile.in	2005-11-20 13:20:49.000000000 -0800
@@ -276,7 +276,8 @@
 	$(srcdir)/Actions.cs			\
 	$(srcdir)/ImportDialog.cs		\
 	$(srcdir)/OpenDialog.cs			\
-	$(srcdir)/SaveDialog.cs
+	$(srcdir)/SaveDialog.cs			\
+	$(srcdir)/MusicBrainz.cs
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Metadata.cs muine-0.8.3/src/Metadata.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Metadata.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/Metadata.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 using Gdk;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/OpenDialog.cs muine-0.8.3/src/OpenDialog.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/OpenDialog.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/OpenDialog.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 using System.Collections;
 using System.IO;
 using Gtk;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/OverwriteDialog.cs muine-0.8.3/src/OverwriteDialog.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/OverwriteDialog.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/OverwriteDialog.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 using Gtk;
 using GLib;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Player.cs muine-0.8.3/src/Player.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/Player.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/Player.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/PlaylistWindow.cs muine-0.8.3/src/PlaylistWindow.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/PlaylistWindow.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/PlaylistWindow.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 using GLib;
 using Gnome.Vfs;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 using Muine.PluginLib;
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@
 		public void RestorePlaylist ()
 			// Load last playlist
-			if (!File.Exists (FileUtils.PlaylistFile))
+			if (!System.IO.File.Exists (FileUtils.PlaylistFile))
 			OpenPlaylistInternal (FileUtils.PlaylistFile,
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/PluginManager.cs muine-0.8.3/src/PluginManager.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/PluginManager.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/PluginManager.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 using System.Reflection;
 using System.IO;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 using Muine.PluginLib;
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/ProgressWindow.cs muine-0.8.3/src/ProgressWindow.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/ProgressWindow.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/ProgressWindow.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 using Gtk;
 using GLib;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/SaveDialog.cs muine-0.8.3/src/SaveDialog.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/SaveDialog.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/SaveDialog.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 using System.Collections;
 using System.IO;
 using Gtk;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine
diff -ruN muine-0.8.3.orig/src/StringUtils.cs muine-0.8.3/src/StringUtils.cs
--- muine-0.8.3.orig/src/StringUtils.cs	2005-11-20 13:18:12.000000000 -0800
+++ muine-0.8.3/src/StringUtils.cs	2005-11-20 13:19:50.000000000 -0800
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 using System;
 using System.Collections;
-using Mono.Posix;
+using Mono.Unix;
 namespace Muine

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