[Muine] Muine does not start


 Whenever I try to start Muine 0.8.3 on my gentoo machine I get these

Failed to export D-Bus object: Unable to determine the address of the
message bus

(muine:24019): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon for stock:
Symbol �stock_media-play� not present in theme.
(muine:24019): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon for stock:
Symbol �stock_media-prev� not present in theme.
(muine:24019): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon for stock:
Symbol �stock_media-next� not present in theme.
(muine:24019): Gtk-WARNING **: Error loading theme icon for stock:
Symbol �gnome-dev-cdrom-audio� not present in theme.

(Note: I translated the last error "Segmentationfault" from
"Speicherzugriffsfehler" in German.

I try to fix this since months :-(, but have no idea.

fabian zeindl

... On his long walk home, he came up with the four maxims that have
guided his life: most people are fools, most authority is malignant,
God does not exist, and everything is wrong.

          - Biography of Ted Nelson

I prefer signed/encrypted Mail (even if I can't write it myself at
the moment due to OpenWebMail deficiencies):
Fingerprint: CFE8 38A7 0BC4 3CB0 E454  FA8D 04F9 B3B6 E02D 25BA

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