Re: [Muine] [PATCH] Display album-name in PlaylistWindow.cs

Hi Peter, hi all,

Am Samstag, den 04.06.2005, 06:53 -0700 schrieb Peter Johanson:
> On Sat, Jun 04, 2005 at 12:23:13PM +0200, Lars Strojny wrote:
> I *still* think that for someone just wanting to add that one song they
> like, this is a step back. Currently if i want to add "Humpty Dumpty", i
> do "shumpty<ENTER>" and boom. i'm playing "Humpty Dumpty". Similarly, I
> often want to queue up individual tracks from various albums I have,
> based on their track name. "shumpt<ALT + Q>worry<ALT + Q>", etc.

What's about the following scenario: we add two gconf-keys:
"last_search_term" and "last_search_mode". In your case the following
thing should be possible: you have to check "Album and Tracks" for one
time and after it you have your normal behaviour. Don't you think this
would be a compromise?

> With that proposed "Add Music", I have no choice but to move to my mouse
> to click a small expander (at which point i'm assuming since i've typed
> "humpty" it will jump to that song). From an efficiency point of view,
> losing the "never switch to my mouse, and start playing a song in roughly
> 1 second of typing" is a *major* loss. Losing the ability to quickly queue up a
> bunch of songs from a mix of albums is a major loss.

The expander could be designed to expanded on pressing blank e.g.


Greets, Lars
name: Lars Strojny         web: 
street: Yorckstrasse 22    blog:
city: D-71636 Ludwigsburg  mail/jabber: lars strojny net
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