[Muine] Tagging albums tracks numbers without EasyTAG

Hey all,
Since some of us had problems with EasyTAG, or maybe just don't want
to use it for some reason, here's a bash script that will look for
mp3s in the current directory, takes the track-number out of the first
2 characters of the filename, and tag the mp3s with eyeD3 like this:

 eyeD3 -N "$total_mp3s_in_directory" -n
"$track_number_from_first_2_chars" "$filename"

I saved the script at /usr/local/bin as 'tagn', chmoded it +x and it's
working well.

Just make sure your file have their track-number at the begging of the
filename and it should work great.

The coding isn't my work at all, it was created by the help of 2 guys
on Gentoo's forums. http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=284611 .
Thank them.

Script attached.


You need to have eyeD3 installed in your PATH, of course. Gentoo users
can emerge it (make sure you're using the last version, 0.6.3).


Attachment: tagn
Description: Binary data

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