[Muine] gst tag stuff (was: access to extra tag info?)

On Sat, Jan 22, 2005 at 02:51:00PM +0200, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> Hi,
> The ISong interface only exports song data from the muine db, not all
> tags are relevant to muine and therefore not all tags are stored. If you
> want to read tags that aren't relevant to core muine, you should
> probably read the file yourself.. this should be trivial using
> GStreamer. (And Muine itself should be switching to GST tag reading very
> soon now)

After doing that work on the AAC stuff in metadata.c, I got started
pondering doing a metadata-gst.c and metadata-xine.c a la
player-{gst,xine}.c in libmuine.c. Jorn, do you already have any of the
gst tag stuff done, or should i poke at it?


Peter Johanson
<latexer gentoo org>

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