Re: [Muine] access to extra tag info?


The ISong interface only exports song data from the muine db, not all
tags are relevant to muine and therefore not all tags are stored. If you
want to read tags that aren't relevant to core muine, you should
probably read the file yourself.. this should be trivial using
GStreamer. (And Muine itself should be switching to GST tag reading very
soon now)

And exporting a tag reading API through Muine doesn't seem right to me.
This is something not specific to Muine ..

MusicBrainz IDs are, to my knowledge, calculated, and not as a tag in
the file. Using the GST musicbrainz element the ID can be accessed using
the tags API, yes ..



�el kenal p�al (teisip�, 18. jaanuar 2005, 15:33+0000), kirjutas
Mark McLauchlan:
> Hi
> Would it be possible to access extra tag info via the plugin library?
> I'm thinking here particularly of MusicBrainz IDs but there other bits
> of info that could be useful.  Perhaps the Song object could have an
> string array of all tags or some such scheme?
> Mark
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