[Muine] the osd plugin...encoding..unicode ;>


i like a lot the osd plugin...

as i see it uses the "old" font handling system...

i'm talking about stuff like this:
"-bitstream-bitstream vera sans-*-*-*-*-*-400-*-*-*-*-*-*"

my problem:

i have some mp3s with japanese chars, and xosd does not display them correctly...

any ideas what do i have to set?

maybe the encoding somehow?

the problem is that i really don't know how to write these font-descriptors...

(btw. would be nice to have this string also gconf-configurable)

btw2: is there some kind of xosd-for-gtk2 (pango maybe?), or simply xosd-with-xft? ;>


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