Re: [Muine] Muine 0.8.0 PRERELEASE = no problems


I don't know about python, but using dbus-send you can do it like this:
dbus-send --session --dest=org.gnome.Muine --type=method_call
"/org/gnome/Muine/Player" org.gnome.Muine.Player.Next

Your mail got me thinking about exporting PlayerDBusObject, so that C#
DBus clients are made really really easy. Working on it right now. When
I get that working nicely I'll do a new preview release .. 

Thanks for testing!


On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 10:59 +0100, Javier Ruiz Hidalgo wrote:
> Hi,
> Congratulations for the pre-release! I've tested it on my debian-sid
> machine (using mono 1.1.3, gtk-sharp 1.9.1 and dbus cvs) and
> everything worked (no crashes when scrolling or anything).
>   I'm actually very interested on the dbus interface. Have you got any
> client code (in C# or python) to test the server? I'm trying to call
> the Next() method just for a test but it doesn't seem to work :-(
>    later,

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