Debian Packages of Muine 0.8.2 (was Re: [Muine] ANNOUNCE: Muine 0.8.2)

On Mon, 2005-02-07 at 19:30 +0200, Jorn Baayen wrote:
> Muine is an innovative music player. It has a simple interface designed
> to allow the user to easily construct a playlist from albums and/or
> single songs. Its goal is to be simply a music player, not to become a
> robust music management application.
> 0.8.2
> =====
> This release fixes a few major bugs (refer to the ChangeLog for details)
> and compiles with GCC 4.0 snapshots.
> Download
> ========

I've finally caught up and made some new Debian packages of these;
outside the main archive for now.  I also updated to gtk-sharp2 1.9.2.
You can get them from the same place as before

(Thinking about whether to send these to debian's experimental section)



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