Re: [Muine] [PATCH] InfoServer

Hello list!

Whatever happened to this? I really love this idea and I also remembered someone writing a small http server to access muine's playlist etc. That would be the best!

Alexander Isacson

Sam Stephenson wrote:

Attached patch listens for TCP connections on a user-specified port
and sends a simple XML document containing player state information.
The port number can be changed at runtime via gconf, and you can
enable and disable the server with gconf, too.

I think this is a simple and useful way to get information about Muine
from other applications, at least until DBUS support is added.

Here is some sample output, retrieved using netcat:

$ nc localhost 6588
<player state="paused"><song><filename>/home/sam/Music/Mark Farina -
San Francisco Sessions vol. 1/02 Rob Mello -
Mello</artist><album>San Francisco Sessions - Volume

I haven't used C# or .NET before, so I must apologize if my code seems
messy.  Hopefully someone will find this useful.

Sam Stephenson
sstephenson gmail com

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