Re: [Muine] Album list feature request

�el kenal p�al (reede, 12. november 2004, 13:38+0100), kirjutas
Keywan Najafi Tonekaboni:
> Hi,
> Jorn Baayen schrieb:
> > This is only a workaround for another problem: Incomplete albums showing
> > up. I have no idea atm how to fix this properly, 
> a filter which only show albums with 3 or more songs? But then the album 
>   names should compare a fuzzy. I have a few songs from missy elliots 
> album "this is not a test!", but some have the album name "this is not a 
> test", so i have two entries in my album list.

Well, if the album names of songs from the same album dont match that is
your problem ;) 

But no, 3 or more wont work, because some full albums only have two or
even one track..

>  > but in my opinion this is a bad workaround that I won't implement ..
> agree, but wouldn't it be generally helpful to now how much songs and 
> long time the album contain, complete or incomplete. To have a clear 
> interaface maybe it is better to just implement only the lenght of the 
> album.

Why would you want to know this? Most complete albums are 40-70 minutes
in length..


> So i ask again, as an standalone request and not bad workaround... ;-)
> Regards,
> Keywannot

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