[Muine] Muine gdesklet for GNOME

 Hi all,

	After some time enjoying the muine program (thanks to you people) I've 
created a small gdesklet (http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/) that sits
on your GNOME desktop and tells you what song is currently being playing
by muine. You can see what it looks like here:


  It's uses a modified version of the muine_currently_playing.sh script
from Link Dupont and a small C program to read the "covers.db" database
for the current album (btw, I tried to do it in python but there doesn't
seem to be a module to import pixbufdata :-? anyone knows if there is
the possibility of doing it in python?)

	Anyways, if you're interested try it out and let me know if it works
for you:



Javier Ruiz Hidalgo <jrh tsc upc es>

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