Re: [Muine] My own little rant

> Plus, as I pointed out using the pathname breaks very very subtly.
> As an example take a song from Eric Clapton's Unplugged album, a track
> from Alice in Chains' Unplugged album, and a track from Neil Young's
> Unplugged album, and put them in the same directory. (The albums are all
> officially called "Unplugged")
> Result - 1 album called Unplugged with 3 tracks.

It doesn't break, as we use the full path :)

> > - I really think the real solution to these kind of problems lies with
> > correctly tagged files, however not as Viet Yen suggests spending days
> > in easytag as installed by the sysadmin ;) What I'd like to see at some
> > point is a decent tagger with musicbrainz and amazon integration, which
> > should allow it to automatically and correctly tag most mp3s flawlessly.
> > It surely won't be able to fix all, but the few remaining should be
> > doable by hand- or just ignored.
> I don't see the difference in your two positions, or does Easytag not do
> anything automatically?

Easytag doesn't do anything automatically ..


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