Re: [Muine] Fedora RPMs Repository

Very cool, thanks a lot again!


On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 06:15, Link Dupont wrote:
> Hello Muine developers and followers, just making an announcement onto
> the list about my Muine RPMs for Fedora Core 1. I'll be keeping these as
> up-to-date as I possibly can.
> Information about the repository can be found at
> The repository itself is at
> (the 81 will disappear
> soon).
> My local tree gets mirrored twice a day, so there may be a lag between
> when I've built a package and when it gets upped to the mirror. There's
> always a direct web service into my computer here, but its only on when
> I'm in Linux (I game in Windows :). is
> where you'll find any packages that haven't made it up to the mirror
> yet.

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