Re: [Muine] Testing GFC (GirlFriend Compliance)


On Fri, 2004-02-27 at 10:18 +0100, Raphael J. Schmid wrote:

> Hi All!
> Since my girlfriend is staying at my place over the weekend,  and will want
> to
> listen to some music / surf the web / whatever, I showed her the Muine icon
> in
> my taskbar yesterday evening.

Ah, user testing, cool ;)

> Here's two bug reports.
> But first of: the basic idea behind the UI is absolutely GFC. 

Yay :)

> Exception: functions contained within menus (i.e., not immediately visible
> but 
> having to be explored). Namely "delete song from playlist" and "clear
> playlist"
> seem to be missing from the UI for her. Anything else is "advanced stuff",
> so
> that doesn't matter.

I see. Hmm.. I don't think those two are that common actions to belong
in the main UI (I for one have never used either of those except for
testing, and I'm playing my music with M. all the time..).

But myah.. hrm.. did she actually need those functions or did she just
go like "hey, I dont see that and that"?

> [Disclaimer: My girlfriend is an occasional Windows XP user who hasn't seen
>  Linux before, not mentioning the look over my shoulder into a console-only
>  Slackware system on my 486 notebook. She also is not fluent in English.]
> Now for the bugs. Two nasty ones (I'd like to apologize in advance if
> they're
> already known to you). Number one: had her start Muine, asked her to select
> some music (she immediately clicked the "Play Album" button (twice, but who
> cares). Next she selected an album alright (she went for the Dance Of The
> Vampires soundtrack, hopefully I'm not in danger), and I had to hint her
> that
> "Play" was probably the thing she wanted although she could also click
> "Queue"
> instead, and what the difference was. Muine began playing, just nothing from
> "Dance Of The Vampires" but instead some different song I've in my
> collection,
> totally unrelated. I took the mouse and tried some other songs from the
> playlist,
> all of which would cause Muine to start all over with this totally unrelated
> song.
> Just leave it, I thought and closed Muine down in order to restart it...

Ugh.. no, haven't seen this one before.. what mono are you on?

> ...which brings us to bug #2. Because, after restarting it, Muine didn't
> play any-
> thing anymore. Tried restarting it a couple of times. Nada. Niente. Nuescht.

Sounds like, combined with the last bug, some nasty kind of db
corruption. I fixed some fairly major db-related bugs in cvs, maybe it
has been fixed.. 

But I think for now, you'll be able to get your setup going again by
cleaning out your libary:
gconftool-2 --unset /apps/muine/watched_folders/
rm -rf ~/.gnome2/muine/

> Bug #1 I haven't been able to reproduce, unfortunately. To my shame, Bug #2
> occurs frequently with Muine 0.4.0; I could've reported it earlier.

If you have the courage to upgrade to Gtk# CVS, maybe you could give CVS
a shot and see if it fixes things..? Otherwise I need to go hunting ..

> Tell me if you need any additional information to pin this down. If it is
> fixed in
> CVS, could you maybe post a patch or something to this list Jorn? (Since
> your 
> CVS server appears to be down for quite a while...)

It's in Gnome CVS, which hasnt been down AFAIK - I've been committing
like mad the last couple of days ;)

If you could give that a shot that'd totally rock.. as I'm not able to
reproduce I don't think I can easily track it down myself without any
additional clues.. 



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