Re: [Muine] Album images

On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 10:38, Mark Phalan wrote:
> I really like how album images are automatically downloaded from Amazon
> web services.

Glad to hear it.

> However, for a lot of my albums images aren't found. I
> know that this is due to the fact that Amazon and I each name our albums
> differently - its interesting to see that on and my album
> names are much more similar.

Can you give some examples? The code tries to account for slight
variances - I'd be interested to know of ways this could be done better.

> Anyway, I was thinking that I'll just store the images along with my
> Mp3s as ID3 tags. Would it be trivial for Muine to check the ID3 tag
> first and if not found then get an image from amazon?

Well, we currently use ID3 tag support from libid3tag, so if that
supports it, then I don't know any reason why not, Jorn is probably best
placed to comment on whether this would be possible though. In the short
term if you store albums in per-album folders, you can save the cover
art as cover.jpg and muine will pick it up.


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