[Muine] Re: ANNOUNCE: Muine 0.7.1

On Tue, 28 Dec 2004 14:01:06 +0100, Jorn wrote:

> Well, Describing the ideas would be describing the UI.

Maybe it is because I'm not a native english speaker, but it wasn't
clear to me what the (different) idea of the UI is.

>From what I gather from the screenshot, and using the programme, it is
that you are not presented with a large interface of artists, albums
and songs, but that you quickly search for what you want to play

I think it would be a good idea to spell it out like that. If I
gathered correctly, of course. If I didn't, I'm either too stupid or
the announcement/website could be clearer, I think.

> So there is a screenshot. And if it makes you curious enough, you
> can get the full picture by trying it out.

Indeed. What I was looking for was some sort of confirmation that I
didn't miss some really wonderful idea by not looking hard enough,
when trying the programme.

In my experience sometimes the really useful stuff is not immediately
visible (even in GUIs).

> I am not trying to run a business with Muine, so I don't really care
> about huge flash presentations on why one should choose Muine :)

If I gave the impression that I thought that would be a good idea, I
have been (very) unclear and apologize.

I hope this email is a little clearer. Although longwinded.

>>> Muine is a new music player using some new UI ideas. The idea is
>>> that it will be much easier and comfortable to use than the
>>> iTunes > model, which is used by both Rhythmbox and Jamboree.

If it said something along the lines of:

 "Muine is a new music player that uses a different UI than the usual
  iTunes inspired model that for instance Rhytmbox and Jamboree use.
  The "search-don't-browse" UI makes Muine easier and more comfortable
  to use."

I would have been less puzzled.

I don't know if the above is correct, so take it for what it is, a
suggestion to make it clearer to the interested reader of
gnome-announce what Muine is all about.

I will shut up now - as I said, it's just a suggestion from a
long-time puzzled gnome-announce reader.

  Best wishes,

 "This kung-fu thing took a hold of me                        Adam Sjøgren
  It brings the beast out of a me"                       asjo koldfront dk

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