[mousetrap-list] Reorganizing

Hi all,

We are separating our development infrastructure from our release infrastructure. The goal is to give developers a safe place to hack away, while keeping our front-facing, end-user interface clean and clear of development chatter. Hopefully this will create a more fluid development environment.

The following systems comprise our front-facing, release infrastructure:

* bugzilla.gnome.org
* git.gnome.org
* wiki.gnome.org

This infrastructure will be used to make official releases, track bug and feature requests against official releases, and to provide official documentation regarding official releases.

We will use GitHub for our back-facing, developer infrastructure. To house the new development infrastructure, we have created a new GitHub "organization" named GNOME-MouseTrap, and a mousetrap repository under this "organization".

* https://github.com/GNOME-MouseTrap/mousetrap

This repository and its corresponding issue tracker and wiki will be used for development. The wiki will be used to provide planning documents, developer documentation, and end-user documentation also under development. The issue tracker will be used to track bugs, tasks, proposals, and enhancement requests that are directly related to the current major development effort.

What does this change mean for you? If you have a local repository that is a clone of kevin-brown's on GitHub, you should stop using it. If you have uncommitted changes and aren't sure what to do, contact one of us (Kevin, Heidi, or Stoney) and we'll help you.

Hereon, as a contributor, you should either work off a personal GitHub fork of the new development repository and contribute using pull requests, or ask one of us (Kevin, Heidi, or Stoney) for collaborator status in the new repository.  Use a personal fork for smaller, in frequent contributions. You'll probably want collaborator status if you are going to be involved heavily and contribute frequently to a major development effort (like the refactoring effort currently under way).

Let us know if you have any questions.


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