Re: SFO call for action - aka questionnaire


And here we go... (in your reply please cut off the above ;)

About you:
1. Please describe your background a little bit, i.e. what are you
working on that made you interested in Gnome/mobile? If it helps us
understand your background, who are you working for?
1 Sex Education through Internet and mobile
I offer expert medical opinion in the field of my specialty, Sexual Medicine, to anyone, any where on internet, on mobile. The USP is I give personalized reply to individual mails addressing their problem.
The following is to tell that I am properly qualified and registered medical practitioner. �
I practice as a Consultant in Sexual Medicine and Relationship Counselor. I have been in teaching Faculty in premier medical colleges Seth G. S. Medical College and K.E.M. Hospital and Grant Medical College and Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals, University of Mumbai.

Why Gnome/
The Ubuntu promise: "Ubuntu will always be free of charge ......" is identical with my vision of work in SEX EDUCATION.
I shifted from Microsoft (Why use pirated, when better is available for free?). I have double booting. My OS is Ubuntu, and I exclusively use Open Office.
So I began searching Open Source and came to Gnome.

Why Gnome/mobile?

I know that Mobile Device will have all Internet features and more.

Number of people using Mobile device will be in multiples of those using desktop PC.

Laptop will be on the way out as mobile will march in with all functionality and more.. .

When you first heard of Gnome/mobile:
2. What did you think it to be? Please be as frank as possible - what
were your really *first* thoughts?

I had been in search of Open Source applications for mobile. The day I discovered Gnome/mobile I registered.

I think Gnome/mobile will be creation of people world over. It is nascent today. I look forward with joy to join hands in developing Gnome/mobile.
My first thought, which is not changed, is brains and hands world over will pour in precious time, expertise to develop first class utility that would benefit community and not be a commercial, proprietary project. I hope I won't have second thought.

3. What did you expect from it? What did you hope to see as a result
from it?
I expect feature rich, number one quality applications for mobile through free contribution of expertise of people world over and joy and harmony among users and contributors.

4. Why did you join the group? Do you feel like a "member" at all? If
not, why not?
Of course, a member.

5. Did it match your expectations? If not, why? If yes, how?
I am a new entrant so I cannot comment whether the work is coherent, achieving specific measurable results in stipulated time. (expectations)

6. Is there something like a top-three of most important goals that you
(personally, not thinking of the group as a whole) would like to see
addressed by Gnome/mobile? (Three would be great, one is enough too)
Focus on
add BEGIN SOON to each of the three.
1 listing existing open source mobile applications, which will be considered to be gnome/mobile approved applications. Every new application will eventually seek to be stamped and approved by gnome/mobile before coming in market.
2 Projects to enhance functionality of existing applications. Develop new toolbox and end products.� � �
3 Nurture the spirit of volunteering and willful participation. Let 'No fees' be official declaration so that all know money is not going in some one's pocket or some one's pet project.

And today:
7. How do you perceive Gnome/mobile today? What is missing? What is too
much? What is / could be Gnome/mobile's first priority goal? And second?
Gnome/mobile had to define itself and set goals.

8. What do you think should qualify a platform for being a Gnome/mobile
platform? A specific set of components used? If yes, which components?

Not a specific set of componets. Holistic as follows.

Gnome mobile should provide 'approval stamp' for existing and emerging open source mobile platforms.�

Gnome mobile has to develop, improve and provide complete set of technologies for all present and future end user equipments.

Gnome mobile should hasten with Multimedia (gstreamer), gps, gprs and all the current paraphernalia of mobile software gadetary and mobile hardware too.

9. Or should there be a formal qualification process? If yes, what would
be your idea about it? If not, why not?
Welcome all.
Take goodies and join hands in whatever capacity possible be it developing - documentation or making and marketing.
10. What should be the technology goals of Gnome/mobile? Like creating a
toolbox rather than a product? Or collaboration and information
infrastructure rather than a development project?

Technology goals are technology development and technology information..
Technology: Development of mobile centric technology.
Toolbox as well as product. Make sure we do not reinvent the wheel.
Gnome/mobile will serve here as authoritative stamp or recommendation for already available open source mobile resources.

Information: Separate department of Gnome/mobile to handle information and advertising to attract individual developers and companies and to impress the end user.
11. At the moment the Gnome/mobile group is a pretty loose group,
everyone interested is welcome and can at once participate. Would you
like to see this a little more formally structured? Like a formal
membership, application process, levels of membership, voting processes,
etc.? Or would like to see it grow as is, a group connected by ideas and
consensus rather than rules? Other ideas?

Formally structured - Yes it has to be formally structured. I do not mean cumbersome application process and formal approval of members.
Formally structured means
for experts
to have projects and depending on expertise people will formally join as contributors to those projects, be it mobile multi media, gps, gprs. Hirearchy will automatically set in depending upoon the responsibilities assigned.
for bystanders can give feedback
Actively give feedback when it is sought [the way you are doing] after and during completion of project.

11. Anything else? Did we forget something? Any additional comments?
Why not have a centralized web page like launchpad or google docs where people fill the form? It will make things easier I believe.
No need to shoot and to receive millions of emails.

Again, many many thanks in replying and for your time and work to craft
your answers!
Best wishes Nils and Team. Good work. Let us be faster.
�nils faerber

kernel concepts GbR � � � �Tel: +49-271-771091-12
Sieghuetter Hauptweg 48 � �Fax: +49-271-771091-19
D-57072 Siegen � � � � � � Mob: +49-176-21024535
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