DRAFT Agenda for GNOME Mobile meeting in Austin

Hi all,

This is a first draft of an agenda - I would really like feedback on
this, and I plan on hassling people about it over the next couple of
days to get you to do some homework before the event, if possible.

I'm phrasing the agenda in terms of objectives, rather than topics.
There's a reason for that - the topics can be quite loose and lend
themselves to talking without concrete results for a couple of hours, I
am hoping that by having solid objectives, and some meat on the bones,
that we can make some decent progress during the meeting.

The one thing which risks being a little bit more vague is the
discussion on mid- and long-term goals. We can make these concrete, eg
"Create a virtualised sample GNOME Mobile platform people can play with,
and publicise and distribute it", or vague, eg "Ensure GNOME Mobile is
the platform of choice for mobile application writers". I would prefer
us to keep things as concrete as possible. Also, to help with over-run
prevention, I put this before lunch :)

Feedback is greatly appreciated, on-list, especially of the "you're
smoking crack" variety if I'm on the wrong track.



08:30 - 09:00: Registration, breakfast, session opening.

09:00 - 10:30:

Generate a list of features and patches which are being maintained
out-of-tree, and identify resources to get them integrated, where
relevant, into the upstream project.

 - EDS DBus back-end
 - Gconf DBus back-end
 - GTK+/glib patches

10:30 - 12:00

Identify 1 or 2 mid- and long-term goals for GNOME Mobile. Define a
strategy for attaining them. Discuss again strategy for communication,
as on the previous call. Include certification programs in discussion.


13:30 - 15:00

Define the packages to be included in the GNOME Mobile release package,
and the short-term goals running up to 2.24 and 2.26.
Briefly discuss candidate technologies.

15:00 - 16:30

Ramping up mobile collaboration: Identify features in the mobile
platform which is missing, and workgroups to collaborate on building
them. Goal: A short list of specific features, matches to names of
people who will commit resources and commit to collaborating within GNOME.

Dave Neary
dneary free fr
Tel: +33 9 51 13 46 45
Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13

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