Re: Where to go ?

Hi Allen,

I have similar questions. Adilson suggested me to subscribe at ubuntu-mobile lists ubuntu com

I already drop a mail at the above id, but does not receive any response yet. You can also try the same.


On 5/22/07, allen_mail <allen_mail 163 com> wrote:
Hi, Adilson / Naveen,
I have the same question about this project as yours, I joined this maillist and don't know how to move ahead now. Let me introduce myself also.
I am Allen from Motorola, working on LinuxJava Platform project. Several monthes ago,I was very curious about what would it be if we transplant gnome to mobile phones. Then I did some trying but eventually I gave up. It is really a big work for myself to do this.
I am very excited with the news that gnome will develop gnome mobile platform, I joined this mailist immediately. I have mobile device developing experience, hopefully I can bring in my effort to this project.
But I don't know where to go now, can anyone help give us some brief description about the progress/achievements and the plan ? Is there anything we can help ? Thanks very much.


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