[mlview-list] new website progress

Hi all

Scott White went forward in his website revamping task. I have merged his new patches
in the dodji gnome org--xml-style-2004/xml-style-web--revamp--0.1 branch.

You can have a look at what it looks like at http://www.freespiders.org/revamp/gmlview .
Basically, almost all the links end up on some content now, which is great.

Now we can start discussing about the real content that should get in.

Scott, for the "wanted icon", can't we use the official MlView project icons ?
There are available in the source directory of the MlView project, in the pixmap directory.
Check out the mlview-icon-*.png icons.

Now the task that need to be worked on are:

+ write a roadmap (Scott, I think it is what you are reffering too in the "coding paragraph" of
  http://www.freespiders.org/revamp/gmlview/contrib.html#ideas, right ?).

+ put some pointers about introductions to XML in the tutorials section .

+ write a tutorial about how to use MlView. I don't know if it should be a tutorial, or a user
  documentation that could be integrated to yelp, or both ?. Comments appreciated.

+  fill the section "download" with some documation about how to access the source code from tla

Maybe we could replace the tutorial section by a "documentation" section and have the following subsections:
user docs, developers docs, tutorials ?

Your comments are welcome.

Scott, nice work.



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