mtidjani free fr wrote:
Quoting Bart Vanherck <herckb telenet be>:Hello, I want to help with making some documentation, but I have a little problem.The xml file could be found at : wanted to make a pdf from your document, but it did not work. How did you make a html page out of this xml file? I do not know what I am doing wrong, but it has never worked for me to output an pdf or html file out an xml file. With sgml everything works always. Propably I do a wrong command because I do have the docbook-xml-dtd extensions installed. Can you give me a hint ?Hi Bart, thank you for you mail and sorry for my late response. to produce html out put, you can use one of the following command -> yelp mlview-user-manual001.xml ->xsltproc /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/docbook.xsl gnome-app-template-mlview-tutorial003.xml >> mymaual.html I don't know the command/tools to create a pdf document from xml file. may be someone else could help.
To convert XML to pdf you can use fop ( Getting fop working is a bit ridiculous. Attached is a pdf I made using the fop command: /path/to/ -xml mlview-user-manual001.xml -xsl /path/to/docbook.xsl -pdf mlview-user-manual001.pdf The result is a little rough looking, but it works. If anyone else knows of an easier way, I'd like to know it. Regards, Scott
Description: Adobe PDF document