Re: [mlview-list] MlView User Doc


On Wed, 2004-11-24 at 22:38 +0100, mtidjani free fr wrote:

> ->xsltproc /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/docbook.xsl
> gnome-app-template-mlview-tutorial003.xml >> mymaual.html
> I don't know the command/tools to create a pdf document from xml file.
> may be someone else could help.

I found out that this can be done with TeX. In fact with ConTeXt.
ConTeXt has a build in xml parser, so it is very easy to make pdf 
files out xml documents.
More info is on

After installing the docbook macros do the following:
If the docbook file is named test.xml
make a file test.tex with following content :
\input xtag-docbook


Then issue the following command

 texexec --pdf test.tex

And a pdf has been made. Simple, no ?

Bart Vanherck

mail: herckb at telenet dot be
jabber: herckb at jabber dot org

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