Caroline Henrikson's foundation membership

Hi Membership Committee,

I understand that Caroline's application for GNOME Foundation
membership was rejected?  Could we revisit this decision?

I think everyone on this list can vouch for Caroline's application.
She has produced all the illustrations and graphics for GUADEC 2018
and Libre Application Summit and has spent long hours working on the
designs for both these conferences.  She also designed stickers as

I'm quite puzzled as to why her application was rejected considering
the all the work she has produced.  I'd love to understand why this
happened and what the membership committee's concerns were for her
application that lead to her rejection.  In general, the membership
team has been quite generous in accepting memberships in the past and
arguably Caroline's candidacy is very strong in our estimation.

The engagement and conference teams has a very very strong desire to
have a designer.  It's very rare to attract the interest of one.
Caroline has capabilities that are highly desirable and we will be
relying on her skills for a number of things that engagement and
conference teams will be needing.  Some of the tasks will rely on the
benefits of GNOME foundation membership (eg access to Nextcloud, going
to conferences etc)

Please let me know what happened here so that we can address the
concerns.  Thanks.


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