[gnome.org #15866] AutoReply: Application received from Kukuh Syafaat (syafaatkukuh AT gmail.com)


This message has been automatically generated in response to the
creation of a support ticket call:

        "Application received from Kukuh Syafaat (syafaatkukuh AT gmail.com)",

a summary of which appears below.

There is no need to reply to this message right now. Your ticket has been
assigned an ID of [gnome.org #15866]. Please include this string
in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. You may
also catch us on irc (irc.gnome.org) in #sysadmin. Statistics about the 
various RT queues can be found at https://rt.gnome.org/stats.

                        membership-applications gnome org

Contact Information

Full Name: Kukuh Syafaat
Email:     syafaatkukuh AT gmail.com

Mail alias: Yes
Mail alias username: kukuhsyafaat
Jabber Account: No

Contributions Summary:
* Indonesian L10N Team (https://l10n.gnome.org/users/cho2/), been translating from 3.22 until now, some 
commits from translation are:
   - Flatpak (https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/commits?author=cho2)
   - GNOME Builder (https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-builder/commits?author=cho2)
   - GNOME Terminal (https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-terminal/commits?author=cho2)
   - GNOME Recipes (https://github.com/GNOME/recipes/commits?author=cho2)
   - GNOME Maps (https://github.com/GNOME/gnome-maps/commits?author=cho2)
   - GNOME Software, on Endless (https://github.com/endlessm/gnome-software/commits?author=cho2)
   - etc 
* GNOME.Asia 2015 local organizer (https://github.com/GnomeAsiaSummit2015/Artworks/commits?author=cho2)
* Endless Ambassador (https://community.endlessos.com/t/introducing-our-first-endless-ambassadors/4711)
* Managing GNOME Indonesia Telegram Group (https://t.me/gnomeid)

Andika Triwidada - andika gmail com, atriwidada gnome org
Ahmad Haris - ahmadharis1982 gmail com, ahmadharis gnome org
Nuritzi Sanchez - nuritzi gnome org

[Application received at Fri Dec 22 14:07:33 2017 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully 

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