[gnome.org #14412] AutoReply: Application received from Magdalen Berns (m.berns AT thismagpie.com)


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Contact Information

Full Name: Magdalen Berns
Email:     m.berns AT thismagpie.com

Mail alias: Yes
Mail alias username: m.berns
Jabber Account: No

Contributions Summary:
In addition to implementing tracking for the focus and caret in GNOME Shell after 25 patch revisions and 
nearly 100 comments of discussion over 3 years on the feature I eventially implemented for 2013 GSoC (due to 
unexplained bugs in ATSPI which were freezing up gnome-shell) I have  contributed various fixes to the module 
and have contributed code, reported bugs and other stuff, like: improving the wiki. I already have a git 
account using the above name.
Sought feedback from the users since implementing my tracking tried to address their concerns on IRC and via 
the lists.
Spoke about my experience at the Women in Engineering Society annual conference in England.
The published lightening talk i did for GUADEC 2013. 
Promoted the feature on planet GNOME.
Collected Allan Day's award for best individual as a GNOME representative at the 2014 Open Source.
Looked after the GNOMIES I met in Edinburgh LinuxCon by taking them around the city.
Gave Chrisophe somewere to sleep in my living room when he could not find a hotel on the last night of 
Did a demo of my gnome contributions at the GSoC stall in FOSDEM of 2014.
Helped out by providing a marketing intern with a quality condsensor microphone for her interviews during 
Made everyone smile at some point or other... :-)
Here is my current bugzilla user status:
added 385 comments to bugs.
closed 16 bugs.
reported 45 bugs.
gathered 12 points
722780  cri     Hig     Linu    website        RESO     FIXE    EU Law: Need Cookie Policy
719856  nor     Nor     Linu    bugzilla.gno   RESO     FIXE    GNOME Shell magnifier is not listed as a 
703422  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi         RESO     DUPL    Please add atspi to the gjs API
724554  nor     Nor     Linu    bugzilla.gno    RESO    WONT    java-atk-wrapper should be product.
710008  nor     Nor     Linu    cogl                   RESO     FIXE    Cogl looks for gstreamer-plugins-base
719351  nor     Nor     Linu    gedit          RESO     OBSO    gedit 3.10.2 core dumped() and cannot open 
since installing extensions
699366  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    Zoom unfit for purpose using keyboard to 
control cursor.
699692  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    Zoom Tracking not responding to movements 
from keyboard
705806  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    certain gnome shell private typelib libraries 
are not found under jhbuild
706232  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    accessibility.js in js/ui/status has style 
707666  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    Unused functions in the magnifier
707687  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    NOTA    update dependency to include atspi
708460  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    OBSO    JHBuild example config are not yet updated & 
710027  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    GJS Update Post 1.38.1 breaks magnifier 
710032  nor     Nor     Linu    gjs     RESO    OBSO    GJS Update Post 1.38.1 breaks gnome-shell magnifier 
712649  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    Atk import does not follow style
719370  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    OBSO    Atspi initiates with magnifier activation 
instead of tracker registration
720951  maj     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    focus-tracking sets wrong coordinates in 
720952  maj     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    focus-tracking sets wrong coordinates in 
723709  cri     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    Crosshairs Are Broken
727684  cri     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    Magnifier Crashes GNOME Shell with DConf error
705652  nor     Nor     Linu    gsettings-de    RESO    FIXE    Add GSettings for focus and caret tracking in 
727865  enh     Nor     Linu    gtksourcevie    RESO    FIXE    Does not recognise *.gemspec
706558  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    OBSO    Cannot directly modify files in GNOME Shell unless 
they are installed in build root
709019  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    FIXE    Out of date default moduleset
709022  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    DUPL    current prefix adds a few extra steps
711268  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    NOTA    Example refers to modulesets that have been removed
728609  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    INVA    JHBuild RPM cannot creat install prefix
707941  nor     Nor     Linu    adwaita-icon    RESO    DUPL    Build fails due to missing IT_PROG_INTLTOOL 
724552  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-settin    RESO    NOTG    time and date incorrect even when connected 
to internet
701063  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    FIXE    Lack of examples in pyatspi2
710565  nor     Nor     Linu    mutter  RESO    FIXE    mutter-wayland fails to build
710566  nor     Nor     Linu    mutter  RESO    FIXE    Repeated code in src/Makefile.am
722367  nor     Nor     Linu    website RESO    FIXE    Accessibility: Contrast and colour
701975  nor     Nor     Linu    website RESO    FIXE    GSoC Blog request

ID      Sev     Pri     OS      Product Status  Resolution      Summary
668773  cri     Hig     Linu    Evolution       UNCO            Evolution freezes when opening PGP-signed 
mail from myself
707693  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi          UNCO            caret.py example needs to be improved.
712208  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi          UNCO            launcher style is a bit inconsistent
722738  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi          UNCO            Uses custom config to call standard session 
730121  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi          UNCO            Doap: Ke Wang should be removed from current 
maintainers list
722783  nor     Nor     Wind    bugzilla.gnoUNCO                Reports: No user data for patches on closed 
608231  enh     Nor     Linu    gnome-contro    UNCO            Large Cursor For Low Vision
708452  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-contro    UNCO            Focus and Caret Tracking: Include preferences
589906  enh     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            RFE: Add dwelling to the Accessibility dialog
595108  min     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            No feedback when execution fails
596386  nor     Nor     All     gnome-shell     UNCO            Dyslexia support screen tinter
618397  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            20Hz polling when magnifier is enabled
644863  enh     Nor     All     gnome-shell     UNCO            GNOME shell layout friendly for left-hand 
646942  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            desktop zoom has some oddities in multi-head 
649535  maj     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Magnifier turns the screen blue when 
notifications are received in the message tray
659745  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            keyboard: temporarily popping down
669192  min     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            D-Bus: org.gnome.Magnifier.setActive 
676814  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            make 'zoom' independent of color-related 
shader use
702015  enh     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            OSK should be shown when touch input is being 
708985  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Mouspointer disappears in Fullscreengames 
with magnifier enabled
709579  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  UNCO            Magnifier: Focus tracking non responsive in Firefox
710191  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Magnifier: Taking a screenshot crashes 
710194  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Magnifier: View is poor quality because the 
image is not scaled
710470  cri     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Wayland: Reliable crash when typing in a text 
view with the magnifier enabled
710756  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Changes to current background wallpaper 
source image not detected consistently
712778  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Window stutters when holding 
715070  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            OSK: inconsistent in Firefox
719394  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Login screen: missing time
719609  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            gnome-shell Memory Leak
720714  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Magnifier: Focus Tracking should only track 
the Active Window when Firefox/Thunderbird is running
720715  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Magnifier: Focus Tracking flipps on left 
screen edge in some cases
720716  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            Magnifier: Focus Tracking should focus 
"objects" more complete
725129  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            [RFE] Move the magnified screen area with a 
keyboard shortcut
727275  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     UNCO            {Focusable,Selectable} accessible objects 
721146  maj     Nor     Linu    gsettings-de    UNCO            Magnifier: Erratic behaviour focus-tracking 
662404  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild UNCO            Trouble when doing jhbuild sysdeps --install
709023  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild UNCO            Not every module recognises 
autogenargs='--disable-static --disable-gtk-doc'
709238  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild UNCO            jhbuild needs help working out whether to use lib64 
or lib by default
719854  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild UNCO            'GNOME Build Tool' could be anything
726684  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild UNCO            JHBuild looks for package x when it should look for 
728763  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild UNCO            jhbuildrc uses exception syntax incompatible with 
python 3
705515  nor     Nor     Linu    mutter  UNCO            wayland: Implement missing fullscreen features
599113  nor     Nor     Sola    gnome-shell     UNCO            Permit dwell clicking to be enabled on the 
login screen
722361  nor     Nor     Linu    website UNCO            Accessibility: text resize
722362  nor     Nor     Linu    website UNCO            Accessibility: Images missing alternative text
722371  nor     Nor     Linu    website UNCO            Accessibility: Site Navigation
722373  nor     Nor     Linu    website UNCO            Accessibility: Offer High Contrast Option
722379  nor     Nor     Linu    website UNCO            Increase accessible format availability
722368  nor     Nor     Linu    website UNCO            Accessibility: Site Navigation
648355  blo     Urg     Linu    website NEW             Impossible to contribute any fixes to www.gnome.org 
content due to WordPress migration
708695  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  NEW             Need a way to avoid synchronous D-Bus calls when 
processing events
633573  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     NEW             Magnifier should turn off when screen blanked
645140  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     NEW             brief rectangular flash when changing cursor 
in Zoom mode
677433  nor     Nor     All     gnome-shell     NEW             lookingGlass: Don't hook up to 
597467  nor     Nor     Linu    mousetweaks     NEW             RFE: Add click lock feature
384850  maj     Nor     Linu    at-spi  ASSI            DeviceEventController::registerKeystrokeListener does 
not work with MODIFIER_NUMLOCK
698648  cri     Hig     Linu    gnome-shell     NEED            Magnifier crashes System while opening 
722780  cri     Hig     Linu    website RESO    FIXE    EU Law: Need Cookie Policy
719856  nor     Nor     Linu    bugzilla.gno    RESO    FIXE    GNOME Shell magnifier is not listed as a 
682636  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    WONT    Interim focus tracking for gnome-shell magnifier via 
684442  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    FIXE    Support use of JAVACFLAGS during build
701145  maj     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    FIXE    Serious performance degradation
703358  nor     Nor     All     at-spi  RESO    FIXE    java-atk-wrapper can't be re-automake with automake 
703422  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    DUPL    Please add atspi to the gjs API
705713  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    FIXE    Deprecate getText{At|Before|After}Offset()
707010  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    FIXE    atspi_event_listener_register_no_data makes using 
eventlistener on javascript not possible
708387  maj     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    FIXE    gnome-control-center freezes for a long time when 
entering display screen w/magnifier running
724554  nor     Nor     Linu    bugzilla.gno    RESO    WONT    java-atk-wrapper should be product.
710008  nor     Nor     Linu    cogl    RESO    FIXE    Cogl looks for gstreamer-plugins-base
708493  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-contro    RESO    FIXE    Zoom Options: Color effects sliders display 
705688  nor     Nor     All     glib    RESO    FIXE    g_settings_list_children: only list viable schemas
711306  blo     Nor     Linu    GConf   RESO    FIXE    fails to build because it cannot find the m4 directory
719351  nor     Nor     Linu    gedit   RESO    OBSO    gedit 3.10.2 core dumped() and cannot open since 
installing extensions
727824  cri     Nor     All     gjs     RESO    FIXE    Crash when enabling Zoom a11y feature
709859  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-settin    RESO    FIXE    text gets double-sized inappropriately on 
hidpi screen running below native resolution
647074  enh     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    GNOME Shell Magnifier should track focus and 
the caret
699366  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    Zoom unfit for purpose using keyboard to 
control cursor.
699692  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    Zoom Tracking not responding to movements 
from keyboard
705733  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    Make new system status implementation respect 
the always-show-universal-access-status setting
705806  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    certain gnome shell private typelib libraries 
are not found under jhbuild
706232  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    accessibility.js in js/ui/status has style 
707666  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    Unused functions in the magnifier
707687  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    NOTA    update dependency to include atspi
707855  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    OBSO    Magnifier stuck randomly
708460  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    OBSO    JHBuild example config are not yet updated & 
710027  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    GJS Update Post 1.38.1 breaks magnifier 
710032  nor     Nor     Linu    gjs     RESO    OBSO    GJS Update Post 1.38.1 breaks gnome-shell magnifier 
712649  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    Atk import does not follow style
719370  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    OBSO    Atspi initiates with magnifier activation 
instead of tracker registration
720951  maj     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    focus-tracking sets wrong coordinates in 
720952  maj     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    focus-tracking sets wrong coordinates in 
723709  cri     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    Crosshairs Are Broken
727163  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    'Connecting' labels inconsistent
727684  cri     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    Magnifier Crashes GNOME Shell with DConf error
730118  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    GtkTreeView very slow since 3.12
731078  maj     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    DUPL    Rhythmbox notifications can lock up the 
entire desktop shell
705652  nor     Nor     Linu    gsettings-de    RESO    FIXE    Add GSettings for focus and caret tracking in 
727865  enh     Nor     Linu    gtksourcevie    RESO    FIXE    Does not recognise *.gemspec
655714  enh     Nor     All     jhbuild RESO    FIXE    Change default install directory to inside users home 
706558  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    OBSO    Cannot directly modify files in GNOME Shell unless 
they are installed in build root
ID      Sev     Pri     OS      Product Status  Resolution      Summary
709019  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    FIXE    Out of date default moduleset
709022  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    DUPL    current prefix adds a few extra steps
711268  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    NOTA    Example refers to modulesets that have been removed
728609  nor     Nor     Linu    jhbuild RESO    INVA    JHBuild RPM cannot creat install prefix
707941  nor     Nor     Linu    adwaita-icon    RESO    DUPL    Build fails due to missing IT_PROG_INTLTOOL 
724552  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-settin    RESO    NOTG    time and date incorrect even when connected 
to internet
681276  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    FIXE    Reentrancy problems on gnome-shell.
701063  nor     Nor     Linu    at-spi  RESO    FIXE    Lack of examples in pyatspi2
710565  nor     Nor     Linu    mutter  RESO    FIXE    mutter-wayland fails to build
710566  nor     Nor     Linu    mutter  RESO    FIXE    Repeated code in src/Makefile.am
702309  nor     Nor     Linu    gnome-shell     RESO    FIXE    Inconsistencies in presentation of avatar and 
user name
722367  nor     Nor     Linu    website RESO    FIXE    Accessibility: Contrast and colour
701975  nor     Nor     Linu    website RESO    FIXE    GSoC Blog request

Open Issues: New (you reported it but nobody has accepted it yet)

730121  at-spi  UNCO    nor     Doap: Ke Wang should be removed from current maintainers list
728763  jhbuild UNCO    nor     jhbuildrc uses exception syntax incompatible with python 3
726684  jhbuild UNCO    nor     JHBuild looks for package x when it should look for x-devel
722783  bugzilla.gnome.org      UNCO    nor     Reports: No user data for patches on closed bugs
722738  at-spi  UNCO    nor     Uses custom config to call standard session configuration
722379  website UNCO    nor     Increase accessible format availability
722373  website UNCO    nor     Accessibility: Offer High Contrast Option
722371  website UNCO    nor     Accessibility: Site Navigation
722368  website UNCO    nor     Accessibility: Site Navigation
722362  website UNCO    nor     Accessibility: Images missing alternative text
722361  website UNCO    nor     Accessibility: text resize
721146  gsettings-desktop-schemas       UNCO    maj     Magnifier: Erratic behaviour focus-tracking 'push'
719854  jhbuild UNCO    nor     'GNOME Build Tool' could be anything
719394  gnome-shell     UNCO    nor     Login screen: missing time
712208  at-spi  UNCO    nor     launcher style is a bit inconsistent
710194  gnome-shell     UNCO    nor     Magnifier: View is poor quality because the image is not scaled
710191  gnome-shell     UNCO    nor     Magnifier: Taking a screenshot crashes gnome-shell
709579  at-spi  UNCO    nor     Magnifier: Focus tracking non responsive in Firefox
709238  jhbuild UNCO    nor     jhbuild needs help working out whether to use lib64 or lib by default
709023  jhbuild UNCO    nor     Not every module recognises autogenargs='--disable-static --disable-gtk-doc'
708452  gnome-control-center    UNCO    nor     Focus and Caret Tracking: Include preferences
707693  at-spi  UNCO    nor     caret.py example needs to be improved.
Open Issues: In progress (you reported it, the developer accepted the issue and is hopefully working on it)
Closed Issues: Recently closed (you reported it and the issue was closed in the last 7 days)

Patches: needs-work
709579  (#257323)       at-spi  This patch is not working yet: advice sought.
721146  (#264951)       gsettings-desktop-schemas       change default focus-tracking key to proportional
Patches: unreviewed
599113  (#242178)       gnome-shell     Tidied patch for the mousetweaks dwell in gnome-shell
709023  (#256009)       jhbuild Remove autogenargs='--disable-static --disable-gtk-doc'
589906  (#263722)       gnome-shell     Add Hover-Click option to Universal Access
719854  (#263537)       jhbuild Gui give it an obvious name
712208  (#259725)       at-spi  Minor tidy up
707693  (#254350)       at-spi  Improve caret.py example
722361  (#267408)       website Make content more scalable
384850  (#245413)       at-spi  Prints keypress in active window
722738  (#266933)       at-spi  remove 'nonsense' <standard_session_servicedirs/>
722738  (#266935)       at-spi  Use well known session configuration
710194  (#263104)       gnome-shell     switch to scaling-factor key and do away with mag-factor
728763  (#274916)       jhbuild Make syntax python 3 friendly
Patches: reviewed
730121  (#276521)       at-spi  Remove Ke Wang from current maintainer list
709238  (#256248)       jhbuild Determine whether to use lib64 via processor

Christophe Fergeau cfergeau gmail com
Parin Porecha parinporecha gmail com

[Application received at Sat Jun 28 3:39:38 2014 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
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