[gnome.org #14291] Application received from Tristian Celestin (tristian.celestin AT outlook.com)

Hi Tristian,

Thank you for applying to become a member of the Foundation. It's fantastic that you want to join us!

Having examined your application and checked with the contacts you provided, the Membership Committee has 
decided to not proceed with your application to become a Foundation Member at this time.

While we recognize your existing efforts, we feel that you need a bit more experience working on GNOME before 
you join the Foundation. We do want you to join us though, and strongly encourage you to reapply once you 
have more contributions. 

If you have any questions about this decision, please feel free to contact us by emailing 
membership-committee gnome org 

If you disagree with this decision, you can appeal by emailing the Board of Directors at board gnome org 

Thanks for your support to GNOME, and please do reapply in the future!

All the best,
Fabiana | The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

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