Re: [ #14151] GNOME Membership Application of Nimit Shah


I've known Nimit since 2012. He has patched 20+ bugs, and he was the main
developer behind PEP8ification of GTG codebase.
Nimit also helps newcomers get familiarized with GTG code, and will be
mentoring students for 2 projects for this year's SoC.

Here's the list of bugs he has patched -, and his
commits -

+1 from me.

On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Fabiano FidĂȘncio <fabiano fidencio org>wrote:

Dear Tobias,

On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:54 AM, Tobias Mueller via RT <
membership-applications gnome org> wrote:

Dear Parin and Fabiano,

The GNOME Membership Committee is about to process Nimit's
application to become a GNOME Foundation Member and therefore need some
feedback about the applicant and their work on GNOME, both past and present.

Remember that vouching for a contributor means you really think the
applicant is committed to GNOME and will carry on contributing in the
 future, and that
you trust the applicant and their work. If unsure about vouching or not,
let us know why you don't feel comfortable enough in advocating this


The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

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Nimit has been hacking on GTG since 2012 and this year will be mentoring a
few students for Google Summer of Code.
Overall, his application makes sense to me. +1.

Best Regards,
Fabiano FidĂȘncio

Parin Porecha

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