[gnome.org #12956] AutoReply: Application received from Ronald S. Bultje (rbultje AT ronald.bitfreak.net)

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received and assigned a ticket ID [ gnome.org #12956].

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 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org

Contact Information

Full Name: Ronald S. Bultje
Email:     rbultje AT ronald.bitfreak.net

Contributions Summary:
In the past, I've directly contributed to GNOME, but since a couple of years, I've been more involved in 
other projects that are indirectly used in GNOME (and others), most notably ffmpeg/libav (mostly used in 
media players to provide codec support for audio formats such as MPEG-4 AAC or Windows Media Audio, or video 
codecs such as VP8, H264, MPEG-1/2/4, etc; usually this uses GStreamer as a middle man, through the 
gst-ffmpeg/gst-libav plugins). My role in FFmpeg/Libav is pretty much all over the place, I have developed 
full codecs (e.g. the VP8 decoder and the WMA-Voice decoder) but am often involved in optimizations and 
general maintenance tasks also.

As a day job, I'm a developer at Google's, working as a codec developer on the WebM project, which provides 
free video compression technology.

Foundation Previous Participation:
This is a renewal, I last renewed 2 yrs ago.

[Application received at Thu Sep 6 13:10:01 2012 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully 

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