[gnome.org #12470] AutoReply: Application received from Olivier Sessink (olivier AT bluefish.openoffice.nl)

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 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org

Contact Information:
Name: Olivier Sessink
E-mail: olivier AT bluefish.openoffice.nl
git.gnome.org username (if any): 

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:


I'm the author of two gtk/gnome software packages: most importantly Bluefish, and also Directoryassistant. 
Bluefish is a "heavy" gtk user, and exploits many different parts of gtk that few other gtk applications 
touch. I've found quite some gtk/gio/glib bugs and discuss them on IRC, provide patches, and file bugreports 
in bugzilla.

Next to the author of Bluefish I work in a large governement organisation where we use a Gnome desktop for 
'basic' usage. We hit the limits often, for example with the number of printers that we have, the number of 
groups we have in the directory etc. I give talks and blog about these issues to make developers more aware 
of the type of issues that large deployments have to deal with.

Benjamin Otte otte AT gnome.org and Matthias Clasen mclasen AT redhat.com should know me as Bluefish author, 
we discussed some issues with the minimum size of the gtkentry widget in gtk-3.2, a recent segfault if a 
gtktextview is closed but the gtktextbuffer lives on, etc. Both are GTK hackers.

To track down some early gvfs bugs in the asynchronous behavior I worked some time ago with Alexander Larsson 
alexl AT redhat.com of nautilus and GVFS.

I've discussed GtkTextView issues with people from gedit, but I don't know their real names (and at the 
moment I can't even think of their irc nicks).

Other comments:

[Application received at Fri Jan 27 11:56:21 2012 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully 

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