[gnome.org #12518] AutoReply: Application received from Raluca Elena Podiuc (ralucaelena1985 AT gmail.com)

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 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org

Contact Information:
Name: Raluca Elena Podiuc
E-mail: ralucaelena1985 AT gmail.com
git.gnome.org username (if any): 

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

During this summer I was an intern at Google Summer of Code and I worked on integrating Cheese with Empathy.
I also contributed on reporting bugs and fixed some of them.

Marina Zhurakhinskaya marinaz AT redhat.com
I met Marina at Berlin. She guided us during Gsoc programme.

Luciana Fujii Pontello  lucianafujii AT gmail.com - maintainer Cheese
Luciana was my mentor from Cheese side.

Other comments:
No matter what decision you will take I just want to say thank you for the Desktop Summit in Berlin. You are 
great people doing great things!

[Application received at Wed Feb 8 9:43:03 2012 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully 

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