[gnome.org #13249] AutoReply: Application received from Ian McIntosh (ian AT openanswers.org)

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 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org

Contact Information

Full Name: Ian McIntosh
Email:     ian AT openanswers.org

Contributions Summary:
I've been a loyal GNOME user and contributor for at least 13 years now.

I've also been involved in spreading GNOME for ages, Jeff Waugh mentions me here, when I was seeding 
Ubuntu/GNOME at places like the MIT student center:

I've been involved in Launchpad development projects-- all of them for the GNOME desktop-- since 2006:

I conducted an interview, edited it, and published it in the GNOME Journal:

I've founded and released several open source Gtk apps:

- ScreenRuler: my first Gtk project and it's actively maintained and available in the Ubuntu repo and others:

- Amigo:

-Luz Studio, GNOME's only live motion graphics editor:

I've used Luz to draw in many artists and musicians to GNOME.  I believe the number is approaching 20 that I 
know personally, and hopefully many more globally.

I help run a program teaching video game creation in GNOME, in which children learn to use Inkscape and GIMP, 
while using the game engine that I created inside Luz:

Several children have installed GNOME desktops at home as part of this project!!

I'm not very socially active within the GNOME community, so I'm not sure who to pick for references.  I 
believe Siegfried Pujals is a foundation member and he is the packager of my ScreenRuler app:
Siegfried-A. Gevatter Pujals <siggi gevatter gmail com>

Thank you for your consideration and please let me know if you need any more information!

Foundation Previous Participation:

[Application received at Sat Dec 22 3:23:41 2012 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the Membership Committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that it usually takes up to a week for an application to be fully 

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