[gnome.org #13242] AutoReply: Application received from Miguel de Icaza (miguel AT gnome.org)

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 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org

Contact Information

Full Name: Miguel de Icaza
Email:     miguel AT gnome.org

Contributions Summary:
= Gtk =

I currently oversee and fund the development of bug fixes through Lanedo of the Gtk 2 stack, in particular 
for OSX and Windows as this is what our MonoDevelop IDE is based on.   While the major focus is on making Gtk 
a suitable toolkit for development on OSX and Windows, some of the bug fixes are general and also apply to 
the original Linux port.

Most of our contributions are being upstreamed by the guys at Lanedo that we are funding.

= MonoDevelop = 

I oversee, manage and fund the development of the MonoDevelop IDE.   MonoDevelop is a cross platform IDE that 
runs on Linux, MacOS and Windows and is used to create a wide range of applications: GUI applications with 
Gtk, Console applications, web applications using ASP.NET and is focused mostly on C#, although our 
extensible addon architecture allows third parties to register addons for other programming languages like C, 
C++ and F#.

= Mono = 

I continue to lead the Mono effort, an open source implementation of the .NET framework that powers various 
open source server and desktop applications.   Although there were too many antibodies that prevented Mono 
from being adopted as the tool of choice for developers on the Linux desktop, it has been adopted by hundreds 
of video games.   

Most video games are commercial, but thanks to Mono, MonoGame and Unity, these video games are now coming to 
Linux either as part of projects like the Humble Bundle, where I believe about a third of the games were 
ported from Xbox or pure C# to Linux to new games being published on Steam, the Google Chrome store with 
Native Client or directly native games that run on Linux.

I am still romantically hoping that Mono will have a comeback in the desktop, as the Gtk# 3.0 support 

= Advocacy =

Where appropriate, I continue to advocate for the Gnome desktop when Linux deployments take place.   I am no 
longer working for Novell in a Linux capacity, so my contact with organizations looking at adopting the Gnome 
desktop has diminished, but it keeps being a dream close to my heart.

Foundation Previous Participation:
I founded the Gnome project with Federico Mena in 1999.

I was part of the Gnome Steering Committee that lead to the creation of the Gnome Foundation.

I was on the board of the Gnome Foundation for many years.

I have advocated, lobbied and pushed for Gnome, Open source and the Linux desktop for many years.

[Application received at Tue Dec 18 18:31:25 2012 (Eastern time)]

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