Re: [ #12908] GNOME Membership Application of Matilda Bernard

On Sat, 2012-08-18 at 23:14 -0400, Marina Zhurakhinskaya wrote:

I would highly recommend Matilda Bernard for the Foundation membership.
She has done a great job during her summer internship on GCompris and
attended GUADEC. She has been contributing to GNOME since last Fall.

nothing to add but another +1 ;)



----- Original Message -----
From: "Pedro Villavicencio via RT" <membership-applications gnome org>
Cc: dgsiegel gnome org, marinaz redhat com
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2012 6:57:50 PM
Subject: [ #12908] GNOME Membership Application of Matilda Bernard 

Dear Daniel and Marina

The GNOME Membership Committee is about to process Matilda Bernard 
application to become a GNOME Foundation Member and therefore need some 
feedback about the applicant and their work on GNOME, both past and 

Remember that vouching for a contributor means you really think the 
applicant is committed to GNOME and will carry on contributing in the  
future, and that you trust the applicant and their work. If unsure about 
vouching or not, please let us know why you don't feel comfortable 
enough in advocating this applicant. 

For further details about the applicant, feel free to have a look at the 
their application at the following link:

The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee

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