[gnome.org #11710] AutoReply: [RENEWAL] Application received from Sriram Ramkrishna (sri AT ramkrishna.me)

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received and assigned a ticket ID [ gnome.org #11710].

There is no need to reply to this message right now, but if you have anything to add to the issue please 
reply to this message.

You will receive another message once your issue has been solved, or if we need more information from you.

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Note: 'Waiting for' is a best effort guess.

 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org


Contact Information:
Name: Sriram Ramkrishna
E-mail: sri AT ramkrishna.me
irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): sri
git.gnome.org username (if any): sri

Previous GNOME Foundation member: yes

GNOME contributions:

GNOME Marketing
GNOME Journal

Detailed description:
I've been doing most of my work in the GNOME Journal and GNOME Marketing.  My contributions have been kind of 
low due to work and school to which I graduated early 2010, but I have been an active participant in those 
two projects.  GNOME Journal is the project I started about 4 years ago and still continues today.

I've been a member of GNOME since 1998, and probably one of the longest contributors in that time.

This year I'll be presenting GNOME 3.0 in two conferences so I'll definitely be upping my contributions more 
this year thanks.

Stormy Peters
Paul Cutler
Jason D. Clinton

(I'm fairly well known given my long associations with just about everyone)


Other comments:
I love you guys!  Keep up the hard work :)

[Application received at Thu Jan 13 19:25:25 2011 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application
to be processed can be up to one month.

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