[gnome.org #11621] AutoReply: Application received from Miguel de Icaza (miguel AT gnome.org)

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 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org


Contact Information:
Name: Miguel de Icaza
E-mail: miguel AT gnome.org
irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): miguel
git.gnome.org username (if any): miguel

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

API bindings, steering development to GNOME technologies, API documentation, developing of Mono libraries to 
use in the Gnome stack.

Detailed description:
As a manager at Novell, most of my work is coordinating a team whose goals is to improve the developer 
experience for Unix users and to extend the reach of the Mono, Unix and Gtk+ APIs across multiple platforms.  

Part of my team's effort is to bind Gnome APIs, starting from Gtk+ going up to higher level APIs to access 
them from C# and any other Mono-powered languages as well as providing the tools necessary to use them.

My team is in charge of building the Gtk+ based MonoDevelop IDE that can be used to create both desktop and 
server applications with support for C#, Vala and Python (although we only contribute directly to the C# 
component of it).   My team also maintains the Mono bindings for Gtk+, the documentation for it, and the 
distribution of Mono with Gtk+ on OSX and Windows. 

Additionally, I am involved in ensuring our continued investment on the Linux and Gnome desktops at Novell. 

As for my personal contributions that go beyond what the team that I steer does:

* Documentation:

Maintain parts of the Gtk# documentation to use with C# and other Mono languages. 

* Steering development to Gnome Technologies

Package, distribute, document and distribute the Gnome development stack as part of Mono on OSX and Windows 
to give the Gtk+ stack a larger user base.

Aaron Bockover (abock AT novell.com) (Banshee developer)
Ruben Vermeersch (rubenv AT gnome.org) (F-Spot developer)
JP Rosevar (jpr AT novell.com) (Novell Desktop Coordinator)
Lluis Sanchez (lluis AT novell.com) (MonoDevelop maintainer)


Other comments:

[Application received at Wed Nov 10 21:09:42 2010 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application
to be processed can be up to one month.

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