Candidacy: Diego Escalante Urrelo

Name: Diego Escalante Urrelo
Mail: diegoe a-inside-a-circle gnome tiny-ink-spot org
Nick: diegoe (how creative!)
    - (if you are learning Spanish)
Affiliation: SMB Training till end of May (not GNOME related), then,


I'm Diego, 21, from Lima - PerÃ. Some of you know me as a pesky bug
triager, others as an even peskier (is that even a word?) patch
submitter and others as a pesky almost spam mail source.
I've been doing GNOME related stuff since 2006 although I really got
more involved only in 2007, since then I've done code work for Epiphany
and other modules, mostly fixes or small features (I did woohoo bar for
Ephy! -firefox stole my idea, I swear). I'm deeply in love with GNOME as
a project and community :-).
Since December 2008 I've been serving in the Board replacing Jeff.

Why Board?

I feel that my last months in the Board have let me understand how it
works, I'm sure I have done a good job and that I can do it even better
for the following period.

What did I do for this half period in the Board?

Of course, the following wasn't made by me alone (those other six guys
at the Board rock hard) but I feel this is were I was more involved:
- Helped gather the annual user group reports and hand pick from the
flood of pictures all around the web to go with such reports
- Worked closely with Stormy to bootstrap the travel committee
- Worked with Bruno to get the membership committee refreshed
- Preparing a quickstart guide for new Board members (that you all new
board members will receive)
- Received feedback from various members about their areas of interest
in GNOME and problems they had (luckily most of those got solved

Why running again?

Because I feel that I can do a better job now that I understand how
Board works and because I have big enthusiasm for the stuff that we will
see in the following months, I want to keep helping closely.
Some stuff I would like to try to focus on now would be marketing in the
3.0 context, fundraising, keep working with the committees and a second
edition of the GNOME LA Tour ;-).

Thanks for reading,


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