[gnome.org #4459] AutoReply: Application received from Michael Monreal (michael.monreal AT gmail.com)

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 GNOME.org Sysadmin Team
 membership-applications gnome org


Contact Information:
Name: Michael Monreal
E-mail: michael.monreal AT gmail.com
irc.gnome.org nickname (if any): monreal
svn.gnome.org username (if any): mmonreal

Previous GNOME Foundation member: no

GNOME contributions:

Bugfixes, Bugzilla triaging, realization of usability/HIG, Icons, relation with other projects like Mozilla 
and Ubuntu

Detailed description:
The first version of GNOME I ever used was pre-1.0. Since then I have closely followed it's development. I am 
using GNOME as my primary (and only) desktop since around the time of 1.2 release. My real involvement began 
during the time leading to the 2.0 release. I have since filed over 500 bugs (not counting related projects 
and my old account, which was sadly lost at some point) and over time got myself moderation rights on 
bugzilla. I regularly comment on my own and other's bugs and I try to find duplicates and related problems, 
also on downstream bugtracking systems like Ubuntu's Launchpad. My involvement grew from a simple bug 
reporter to a stage where I tried to fix the problems and also started to lock for places where I could do 
small feature improvements on my own. Last year I was asked to get an SVN account, so that I could check in 
my own patches. Today I have at least some kind of code contribution (with mention in ChangeLog) in at least 
26 modules on the GNOME SVN
  server and about 20 more in related projects (various 3rd party GTK apps like Pidgin, Transmission, the 
Pimlico PIM tools and others). Over the last 6 month I have also been very active in Firefox 3 development, 
helping to make it integrate better into the GNOME desktop and at the same time, trying to polish rough edges 
in GNOME for the 2.22 release.

Andreas Nilsson (andreas AT andreasn.se) (Designer); Srinivasa Ragavan (sragavan AT novell.com) (Evolution 
developer); Lapo Calamandrei (calamandrei AT gmail.com) (Icon theme developer); Philippe Rouquier (philippero 
AT libertysurf.fr) (Brasero maintainer)


Other comments:
It will be 10 years of follow GNOME development this summer for me. I can't believe how time flies... but 
also it is very impressive to see how far GNOME (and Free Software in general) has come over the years. I'm 
very pleased and proud to be part of it. I'm also quite pleased with my contributions, especially over the 
last year, and this is why I hope that my application will not be rejected. Thanks in advance!

[Application received at Tue Mar 4 20:27:31 2008 (Eastern time)]

If you have any questions, you can contact the membership committee by
replying to this mail. Please note that the delay for your application
to be processed can be up to one month.

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